most of the local highly rated prospects treat Pitt like it's a backup plan, i can't blame them for wanting to go to the more glamorous schools but they have to realize these schools recruit kids like them every year so the competition is sky high
but they've been the best player since kindergarten so they probably expect to be the best in college too
what i wonder about is Pitt, why do they keep taking these guys that rejected them?
it's like Pitt is that nice guy in high school that asks the hottest girl to the prom, she says no and picks the cooler guys, those guys use and abuse her, and then when she's 30 and fatter and has a kid out of wedlock that's when she wants the "nice guy" that will take care of her and baby daddy's kid
I think Pitt should tell these guys they had their chance, but many guys are grateful to get the cooler guys leftovers HAHA