Ok, i was hoping for input from Jacky- but here is my input-
IMO, Totten and Walker are just about equal, both good coaches, working in programs, with lots of resources, lots of talent. Maybe both have "underperformed" but not a big difference. Neither are "great coaches" IMO, good, not great- but, current coaches, who are "greater" are Palko and Cherpak, more results, less resources and arguably, less talent than PCC or NA. Again, to me, this, year, NA's season was "unimpressive" only being "best of 5" and no wins in state playoffs. NA has not "won" a single state playoffs game in 10 years- so I could argue, in the last 10 years, Totten has been a "better coach" than Walker.
I'm not "hating on NA" but It just makes me kinda mad, all the great accomplishments of so many other teams, and people talk about NA and Walker being "great." Just this year- Aliquippa, Union, and Westinghouse- playing in state final? I bet all 3 of those schools, total, have less "football budget" than NA.