Refs at war memorial are embarrassing

Word is there is a shortage of officials in this area. Heard they might go to Thursday games next year so there are enough officials to do all the games....carry on
The problem is fallon scores and the official on coatesvilles sideline throws a phantom illegal formation or shift throws it after the touchdown.. call takes away 7 bucks settle for 3... who knows what happens after that. could be 21-7 cb west. The white cap is arguing with his own guys... blame the PIAA then for a shortage. dont they collect for all playoff games? i see this every season.
The problem is fallon scores and the official on coatesvilles sideline throws a phantom illegal formation or shift throws it after the touchdown.. call takes away 7 bucks settle for 3... who knows what happens after that. could be 21-7 cb west. The white cap is arguing with his own guys... blame the PIAA then for a shortage. dont they collect for all playoff games? i see this every season.
It might be the O. It’s fooling Coatesville too.
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For me the embarrassing part was only seeing 60% capacity at War Memorial. Oh well, football interest in this area is on the decline.
really? im sick of hearing that. it is what it is its still football and a huge game to those playing with 1 in the stands or 10,000.
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really? im sick of hearing that. it is what it is its still football and a huge game to those playing with 1 in the stands or 10,000.
But the point is that there are fewer kids playing the game. From all I hear, the number of schools with JV and freshman teams keeps dropping. And there is clearly a relation between the numbers in the stands and the numbers playing the game.

I'm not happy about it. Playing a team sport, including football, is great for adolescents. But the facts are the facts.
so what are we gonna do keep complaining on a forum? lets just talk about the game.... thought fallon ran the ball great and carried his team completely
so what are we gonna do keep complaining on a forum? lets just talk about the game.... thought fallon ran the ball great and carried his team completely
Obviously people can choose what they wish to comment on, but Relayer (who's been on here for a very long time and who makes lots of comments about games and players) thought the crowd size was notable. I think there's room to comment on what's going on on the field and on what we see when we look around the field (though the board could sure use a moderator). I'm interested mostly in the PCL, and a good part of the story in the PCL is that whereas five years ago every medium- and large-size school in the league had JV and freshmen teams. Now it seems at least half of them don't have at least one of them, and programs at schools like Ryan and Judge seem to be withering. Happy to be corrected.
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Beating a dead horse
And the dead horse is ...? If it's the declining # of kids playing the sport and the declining # of people going to games, then the dead horse will be high school football. I'm interested in ways we can make the sport as healthy as we can in high schools, and I don't think saying the problem is women (as said on another thread) is going to help. Obviously part of the answer in a period when we have some high-profile NFL players retiring because they're concerned about their health quite early in their careers has to be about how the risk to brain health can be minimized. I also think we need to find ways of reducing the # of mismatches. And we need to figure out whether the greater problem is kids never starting to play football or kids dropping the sport at a particular point. I suspect it's the former but I don't know for sure.
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I thought CB West had a great game plan and ran out of fuel. I thought Fallon ran the ball tough as hell, I thought Ortega was rattled early on but the staffs halftime adjustments were on point. That and that they waited to attack certain players till the 2nd half. What did I notice about the people in the stands? Idk I was watching the game. No1 here on these forums can change whether football in PA becomes better or worse nor am I going to waste my time commenting on the politics of HS football. I mean really, you are saying “we” in your comments... What do you think anyone here is going to do? The crowd wasn’t as large as it was in the past sure... However take into consideration the addition of CB South..., wonder why more players and student body attended old West and East games.... oh yeah there wasn’t another Central Bucks HS. I mean, were you even at the game? What did you think about a valor CB West effort vs. a much better and seasoned coatesville team who never travels well in the stands... If anything West is taking steps back in the right direction... I mean really who are you that you think forum topics are going to solve the HS football problems of america? Just comment about the damn game or piggyback on another thread...
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I agree West looked outgunned but great preparations. They run the perfect O for what they have. They fought hard and put themselves in a spot to steal one. Coatesville looked confused and made lots of mistakes early. Then adjusted well in the 2nd. And just overwhelmed West with their speed- receivers wide open with speed routes... I noticed Coatesville a bit light on D line initially and committed to the run but once they moved some bigger kids in they stopped the run. Still had 6 on line and sneaking backers. They got caught a couple times when Fallon hit a seam. West best team in SoL, great year! Amazing what they did with their numbers...30-40 kids?
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very small numbers. i didnt like neari playing cover 2 but i get it... fallon almost robbed a few out of it
A couple thoughts, The cold kept people away last night and also the teams playing are not natural rivals. The change in leagues next year will not help attendance or interest. How many people will want to travel from Souderton or pennride to Bensalem or Pennsbury on a Friday night. If you want to see standing room only at War mem. Field come to a East/ West or West/South game. West, Pennridge Or Quakertown is also a drawer.
Also declining participation is not only in football but other sports and the band. Why? adults are the problem. today they have travel teams for 7 & 8 years old, seasons are to long. They specialize to early. If kids spend 7-8 years in a sport then do not play they quit. Soccer is a good example, kids play year round travel teams for the last 40 years and the USA still cannot beat Tobago! and make the World cup. Iceland with a population of a little more then Bucks Co, beat Argentina in the last world cup. My son did not play football till he was 13 and played two sports in HS and still played for a top FCS school.
In my day kids played more then one sport and they had to make cuts in some sport. Remember guys checking the team room door in the morning to see if they made the team. Blame adults, they have ruined things for the kids.
District 1 elite,
Some of your comments about the game and your lack of knowledge about the Coatesville community as a whole is ironic considering how you portray yourself as a knowledgeable fan at the game. First of all, I also attending the game and as a fan of the Chestmont teams I will tell you the Coatesville community travels extremely well. Many people that frequent this site will back me up I'm sure. I've seen them pack the stands at a higher rate than Friday night but it was freezing and War Memorial is not the easiest trek on a Friday evening.
As far as the referees were concerned, you are correct, they were not very good either way. Several calls were missed but I do not believe it altered the outcome of this game. The play that this originally post alludes to was actually a correct call by the official. After a Coatesville timeout, CB West broke the huddle in the exact formation as the play before, a 2x2 1Te formation. The Te traded from the left to the right. Before he was set, the Wing, or now slot, motioned back behind the Fb in normal Wing T fashion but he did so before the Te and Tackle were both set. The correct call was then made which is illegal motion. I saw video of the play several times. There is definitely more than one person moving at a time from the time the TE traded. Case closed
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District 1 elite,
Some of your comments about the game and your lack of knowledge about the Coatesville community as a whole is ironic considering how you portray yourself as a knowledgeable fan at the game. First of all, I also attending the game and as a fan of the Chestmont teams I will tell you the Coatesville community travels extremely well. Many people that frequent this site will back me up I'm sure. I've seen them pack the stands at a higher rate than Friday night but it was freezing and War Memorial is not the easiest trek on a Friday evening.
As far as the referees were concerned, you are correct, they were not very good either way. Several calls were missed but I do not believe it altered the outcome of this game. The play that this originally post alludes to was actually a correct call by the official. After a Coatesville timeout, CB West broke the huddle in the exact formation as the play before, a 2x2 1Te formation. The Te traded from the left to the right. Before he was set, the Wing, or now slot, motioned back behind the Fb in normal Wing T fashion but he did so before the Te and Tackle were both set. The correct call was then made which is illegal motion. I saw video of the play several times. There is definitely more than one person moving at a time from the time the TE traded. Case closed

illegal motion is when a player in motion is moving towards the LOS before the snap...So I’m not sure what you mean there... because that didn’t happen as you said the wing or slot motioned backwards.....illegal shift maybe. It looked to me that the players were set for 1 second before the motion began. If he wasn’t... then the head linesman could have called it all game. The fact he threw it after the TD was BS to me... If you’re gonna wait to throw it till a score cmon.. Not to mention, he called it illegal motion at first which is why the white cap had a long discussion about it with the crew. The ref didn’t know what was the correct call in the 1st place. My point is, that crew was crap for both teams in a playoff quarterfinals setting. Not saying they were favoring CV or west. It was ignorant to say the coatesville community doesnt travel well. I do apologize for that. To me the calls changed the outcome of the 1st half. In the 2nd half I thought west got beat on all fronts. My posts started during the 1st half.. Also, the TE traded opposite of the head linesman who made the call on Coatesvilles sideine. west was on the far hash to their sideline and the Line jugde. Why wouldnt the line judge on wests sideline call it at all? He had a much better view... If the head linesman called the play dead and didn’t wait till the score or late in the play then ok sure.. He had coaches in his ear, threw a flag late as crap and didn’t know the correct penalty. It was embarrassing... The crew also missed a blatant pass interference early in the 2nd half in Coatesvilles endzone which stalled a west drive. A lot was missed... The fiasco with the extra points was crap too with flags thrown against Coatesville. It was all CRAP!! Not fair to the boys playing (some their last game ever)
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I was sitting in the stands directly at the line of scrimmage and right behind he official. My feeling at the time was why the official waited until the the player was in the end zone on a 6 yrd run to throw the flag, ( not sure then do not make the call) why no one else saw it, and why they had to discuss it for 5 minutes. The same official flagged CV a couple of plays earlier for a late hit on the CV side line. The flag should have been thrown on the snap.
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District 1 elite,
Some of your comments about the game and your lack of knowledge about the Coatesville community as a whole is ironic considering how you portray yourself as a knowledgeable fan at the game. First of all, I also attending the game and as a fan of the Chestmont teams I will tell you the Coatesville community travels extremely well. Many people that frequent this site will back me up I'm sure. I've seen them pack the stands at a higher rate than Friday night but it was freezing and War Memorial is not the easiest trek on a Friday evening.
As far as the referees were concerned, you are correct, they were not very good either way. Several calls were missed but I do not believe it altered the outcome of this game. The play that this originally post alludes to was actually a correct call by the official. After a Coatesville timeout, CB West broke the huddle in the exact formation as the play before, a 2x2 1Te formation. The Te traded from the left to the right. Before he was set, the Wing, or now slot, motioned back behind the Fb in normal Wing T fashion but he did so before the Te and Tackle were both set. The correct call was then made which is illegal motion. I saw video of the play several times. There is definitely more than one person moving at a time from the time the TE traded. Case closed
Not illegal motion.
I don’t recall the call made...but 2 or more moving at once is considered a shift and if not not set before the snap would be considered an illegal shift even if the intent was to motion the other back after the shift of the non set players. I think all 3 would need to be set prior to snap.

if the movement of back made a motion upfield then that’s an illegal motion. You can only go back or parallel. My understanding. But I’m old. :)

But again, I’m not clear what the call was.

BTW, I too was surprised how little filled both sides were. I kinda get Coatesville considering the drive, but they won 2 consecutive D1 titles and a good chance at 3.
so back to my original statement this crew was horrid! And im not sure the head linesman and line judge know what a illegal shift is.. or motion... or our friend above here.... -.o
Is traded and motioned the same thing and was it 11 personnel with a 2x2 wr set and when TE motions to opposite side is wr really considered in a slot position?
2x2 1 back Te. You have a Te wing on one side and a slot and a Wr on the other. Te traded to slot side to make that a Te Wing. However, back moved before Te was set and honestly it looks like the tackle to the originally side was still moving as well.
I was at the game. The illegal shift or motion that was called was a good call. The TE was not set for a one count before the wing went in motion. I do agree the crew missed a ton of calls for both sides. With that being said the game started just how CB West wanted it to. They had a long drive eating up half of the first quarter and scored. They stopped CV deep in CB West territory but couldn't get anything going. But after watching a few possessions it was a matter of time until the CV D made the adjustments. CB West wasn't stopping the Coatesville O. After the first TD drive of the second half for Cville you could tell the game was over.
What worries me about Coatesville Moving forward is all the self inflicted wounds. They had 70 yards in penalties in the first half on D and special teams alone. They won't get away with that this week against a very disciplined GV team.
I think we understand the call the point is it could have been called 100x and to throw it for the 1st time after a score and not making a dead ball is what is absurd. Maybe not set for a second but dn close.

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