Jacky, I was at several grad parties this weekend and heard contradictory info about the Ohio QB enrolling at NA (he has not.) I did hear the same thing about the Spencer boy winning the job and playing well at the Pitt 7v7. P-R must have been really bad at Penn State last weekend, but at Pitt they had King and Meckler back which helped a lot. Was also told King and Meckler are playing much more offense and King is dominant defensively. It sounded to me like the offensive skill positions are half 10th graders and half upper classmen. The defensive skill is mostly older kids. Don't remember many names of the kids. Sorry. Will think about it..
Just a rumour I suppose. Wouldn’t make much sense anyways as I do not think he would fit their scheme well. I believe their gonna have 2 sophs and 2 seniors at receiver, and then add in king as the hback and meckler/Geyer at RB. Key will be cerminara and king staying healthy. They’re the key peices to the defense.