Gay marriage has been made legal in all 50 states by the Supreme Count and...


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
liberals will still be unhappy. Can't wait to watch this unfold. Most liberals are unhappy, unsettled, mal-adjusted, etc., by nature and just aren't going to be able to use this to bring happiness to their world, at least for the long term. Expect big celebrations this weekend, but then it's back to reality. Clarification: not necessarily talking about gay people/couples, more so the activists who will continue to push and use this politically. Look at obama, who was against gay marriage, or so he said, but now is for it. Same for Hillary.

Let's see how this plays out with regard to liberals trying to make the Catholic Church perform gay marriages. With the Pope Francis in power, getting this to happen might not be as difficult as some think.

The most pissed off group among all of the democratic-voting block must be the muslims. This is going to be especially hard on them, but they don't have to worry about the liberals forcing them to perform gay marriages in mosques, as the initial target will be the Catholic Church. Afterall, Ahmadinejad said that "in Iran, we do not have this phenomenon (gay people)."

For the low-information crowd, over 30 people were killed today in three separate muslim terrorist attacks (some on other muslims), but no mention of this from obama. And one of the attacks involved ISIS crashing through the gate of an Air Products (headquartered in Allentown, PA) facility in France and beheading one person. This is the same ISIS that obama called the JV team.
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All reports are that Obama's legacy has been boosted by the events of the last week. That's just great. Gays are allowed to marry, Obamacare has been spared and the Rebel flag has been taken down. Oh wait, isn't there that little matter of the Middle East, Russia, Greece and the liberal economic agenda. Oh don't worry about that stuff, we have to change the name of the Washington football team!! Anything that makes you "feel" good!! Can't wait until he invites Caitlyn Jenner to the Rose Garden!!

I'm no economist but I have to think that this economy is not hitting on all cylinders. The stock market has been stagnant for I don't know how long, wages are not moving. Jobs?? Oh jobs are being created but at what level. Yup the President's legacy is looking very rosy. All those Feel Good stories of great substance!!
Hey Paul. Unfortunately, it will be hard for anyone to tie the gay decision to obama since the 155 lb. president was against gay marriage for so long. So much for hillary clinton. They will grasp, but it won't fly. Maybe obama can come out for polygamy! That can be his legacy.
What I don't understand is, isn't this issue covered in the 14th Amendment, or maybe I sould say "is this covered in the 14th, or was that the questiion/premise?
Bernie Sanders is going to out her to the rest of the nation. But the only problem with that is we will be stuck with Bernie Sanders as the Democratic candidate. Pretty hard to say no to free college education, paid vacation, 15 dollar minimum wage and free everything else!!

Stalker, I don't know. All I do know is "Who cares"??!! This BS about same sex marriage, all it does is muddy the waters. And when you're dealing with an uneducated voting populous, muddying the waters is a great plan of attack. If gays want to get married then so be it. Let them enjoy married life like all the rest of the population. Now dealing the real issues, please tell me about your economic and foreign policies!!
Well, I think we should just stick with obama's foreign policy. President Incapable, the 155 lb. behemoth, has done a very nice job in this area. North Korea, Egypt, Ukraine, Libya, Iran, Iraq, etc. are all in good shape. This is undeniable.......if you are one of those uneducated, low-information types.
Amen Paul, let's get on with it….
Moving on, it seems allowing Vlad to run amuck is SOP for this administration and a scarry precedent. I think part of our problem is we've been lulled to sleep with dangerously outdated beliefs about Russia. The real Russia is not a defeated, used-to-be, wanna-be world power, with great hulks of rusting tanks, planes and factories dotting the countryside. Many still hold to this view, perceiving them as a defeated cold war warrior. Nothing could be farther from the truth. New policies once again have brought Russian defense initiatives to the forefront. They are rebuilding or more accurately have rebuilt to again become a world power however limited. Bottom line, they can cause big trouble.
Our task is to walk the tight rope of diplomacy’s balancing act between pushing them too far and appearing soft, meaning we need experienced, qualified diplomats. Typically this is a skill developed over time; Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Colin Powell. These types are credible and know the landscape, realizing Putin and Mother Russia are historically belligerent, while at the same time respect strength. And they have an agenda like any country does. They have always been fearful of Europe in particular, trying to secure borders with buffer states after centuries of invasions by the Mogols, Tartars, Poles, Swedes, French and Germans. The Ukraine is an expression of that. My having five courses in Russian history don’t qualify me for anything. But it is unsettling considering it may be more than some individuals in positions of influence have. Whoever is making decisions needs to know the Russian psyche if for no other reason than you always have to know your enemy.
That’s my 2 cents on foreign policy as it relates to Russia.

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