Bring back the high school football national championship game!

Not for one moment would I have thought that the Waco High Tigers (Texas, of course) would have been able to stop the powerful Cleveland Cathedral Latin Lions, 44-12, in the last high school game (1927) that was played for the sole purpose of determining the national champion.

I also point out that Cathedral Latin is now known as Notre Dame - Catheral Latin after a merger of the two parochial schools (in the 1960s as I recall).

One more note, in November of 1946, Cleveland Cathedral squared off against Holy Name High School in Cleveland for a charity game to decide the city title.

There were 70,955 people in attandance as Holy Name stunned the Lions, 35-6.

Those were the days.
This post was edited on 1/26 11:20 AM by PA2CAMoleskinner

Texas Football

I heard part of a NPR program Friday talking about steroids in Texas HS football, saying its abuse has gotten so bad they'll spend millions (probably a lot more) testing at least 30% of those playing. Didn't hear other specifics, how often, beginning what grades but I thought that was a high percentage to hit..admirable, but high. A random check of 30% may cause others to reconsider their usage but the pressure to get a scholarship especially in TX is tremendous by all accounts.

Pettine, Jr to stay with Ravens

Rex Ryan was hired as defensive coordinator and also named assistant head coach. He has said all along that he would bring Pettine wherever he went. Fortunately, for their personal lives anyway, the only that changed was their ovverrated boss and an unproven special teams coach with one year of experience as a position coach is now in charge. Sounds a little odd, but I have no idea how the Ravens decided that Harbaugh was more qualified than Ryan.



I noticed that you said you run your strength program also. What do you guy use, or do you have a self designed program? I have been toying with the idea of further modifying the BFS deal we now use to make it more position specific. This will be something I need to broach with our head coach. I like BFS, because with limited eyes on a lot of kids, it makes it easy to see who is strictly folowing the program, especially with the written record keeping we do. However, I feel there are certain areas slightly lacking that I would like to add. Sooooo, coach, what are you guys doing?

Back on Line!

Hey, looks like we´re back in business here after that major Blackout over the last few days. Man, that was the worst disaster to hit the Philadelphia area since the Eagles traded away Sonny Jurgensen for ´Stormin´Norman Snead.

Does anybody know how/what/why that occured? The Blackout, I mean. One hundred buck reward for the person who uncovers the "Turnpike Hacker," that creepy computer culprit!

Lift is still "cut!"

Well, looks like another "Writers´Strike" here Lift, so another off-topic. Just took a gander at the photo you attached to your site "profile." Hadn´t seen it before. Looks like you and the family in Wildwood....but what caught me the most is: you look like you´re still carrying only about seven (7) percent bodyfat! Amazing.

The question is, what BF percentage is ideal for a high school footballer? Now, obviously, there´s gonna be a difference between an offensive lineman and a safety. But as a rule, what would you say?

Catholic League thoughts

Ok blitz, you shamed me into this! Just wondering what everyone feels the impact will be with the CL in and going up against district 11? I have a question, will all classifications from D-12 play D-11's teams? That could give us some interesting encounters with Archbishop Wood, North and Lansdale Catholic at AAA, going against Becahi, Allen CC, Pville, Blue Mt etc. Then at AA, West Catholic could replace LC as the real force at that least this coming season where they look strong.

Right off the bat you think of some of the monster teams St.Joe's has had and how well they'd rep the area until the reality of the last two seasons is recalled. What do you think?

Mascots and nicknames -

Blitz -

Do you have any idea why Pennsbury chose the Falcons? Does it have anything to do with Billy Penn and his hobby?

Plus I'm curious if there are other reasons for nicknames or mascots (the Williamsport Millionaires, for instance). Or how about school colors?

Course, I'm just waiting to roll this one out (and it will involve both the University of Pennsylvania and the Carlisle Indian School).

One more thing, Blitz, did you know that Hiram Thorpe (Jim's Dad) was 1/2 Native-American and 1/2 Irish? His Mom was full-blooded so Jim was actually three-fourths Native-American and one-fourth Irish. And that's one reason why he ended up at Carlisle (his Dad had received a fairly substantial education for his day and also spoke English with ease because of his parentage - thus, he pushed young Jim to get some schooling in the "white man's world" and to smooth out his tremendous physicality). By the way, Big Jim had a bit of a temper and was a bear of a man who had multiple wives and a load of kids - but was well respected in his community in the Oklahoma Territory.

All-East Super Bowl

Just thought I´d mention, not in a real gloating fashion, kind of "by the way," that it´ll be an All-East Super Bowl this year with the Giants vs. the Pats. Just in case anyone´s been on Mars or someplace else all day.

Well, if we can´t have an Eagles-Steelers deal, all-PA, then I guess this is the next best thing. What amazes me about the NFL these days is how much they put it up in the´s almost reaching "flag football" proportions. Guess the "protective rules" have a lot to do with that. They implemented those to put more fans in the seats the game up. Still, I´d like to see a return to the "old days," when running backs and defense ruled.
