Hey prep nerd, I find it telling of your insecurity that when Wood gets nationally ranked it means nothing but yet prep plays the "hardest schedule in the country" (smile) with ranked teams! So which is it, rankings mean everything? or Rankings mean nothing? man you will tell yourself anything, absolutely anything to strut around as the biggest midget in the circus! Can't even win the PCL - wow! out coached by a first year head coach and punched in the mouth by a rebuilding LaSalle team, ouch! Looks like another 5 year run by LaSalle! prep nerd! Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face! You my little nerd just got punched in the face by a team in flux and rebuilding with a first year head coach! But I give you credit personally, for being able to speak up, unlike when you walked the halls of the prep and were too afraid, you've come a looooong way baby!