Wrong again on a few details from a few different posts, so I'll try to help you out....Heckenberger is not a redneck from Unionville as you protrayed him. He played for Pennridge, and his connection to Unionville is that he coached their freshman team for a bit. He's a great guy, you should get to know him. Secondly, the Young's were not recruited to play for DYW. Their older brother Jordan registered as a 5 year old in 2003, the same year that Cville Kid Raiders came into Bert Bell and there were no boundaries. Therefore, the family was grandfathered in by Bert Bell bylaw. And I'm fairly sure that they don't regret playing for DYW. Lastly, since you're so close to Brandon Myers, you will surely remember that he missed a game his senior year when Dtown administration was alerted about his possible residence being outside the school district. Once the proper paperwork was produced, his eligibility to return to the West football team was restored the next week. And since you know Branden, let's be honest. He was not the type of player as a freshman, that any high school coach would recruit. He did turn out to be a very nice HS player, and I'm glad to see that he's continuing his career at IUP.
Details man, details.