Oh South Carolina GOV Corbin


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
Fitsnews source or just google it for Christ sake: "God created man first God took the rib from the man to create women, the rib is a lesser cut of meat" HAHAHAHA awesome
Sammy, from reliable sources (i.e. Congressional Budget Office): obama has added $8 trillion to the federal debt in just six years.

Let's get our priorities straight and focus on things that matter.

And, by the way, Nikki Haley is the Governor of South Carolina.

Did you say you were a teacher?
Do we need to go over how much Reagan raised taxes and how much he raised the debt, or Bush II. This guy from SC is a douche
In my post, I pointed out an error in your statement about the identity of the governor of South Carolina. You didn't respond to this. Are you even aware of it?

Yes, we do need to go into detail about how much Reagan raised the debt level. Answer less than $2 trillion in eight years, yielding great results to the economy. In your math is this amount more than obama's $8 trillion in just over six years?