My New Hero

I have no problem with turning that area into a sheet of glass. Maybe just maybe places like Jordan can make an impact over there
Sammy, I agree, but I think you need to explain why you voted for a president who, by all actions, is pro-middle east and anti-Israel. Basically, you voted for a guy who strongly disagrees with your opinion.

Wishful thinking on Jordan making an impact over there. Not going to happen. It will not end well.
Like I said I am not a straight ticket guy just because I am a Democrat and voted for Obama the first time does not make me agree with him hook line and sinker. I love the Pittsburgh Steelers but I do not agree with all of their moves or draft choices. I am a moderate on most topics liberal and conservative on others, the fact that you are viewed as a cookie cutter Dem or Rep is utter nonsense and that is what is screwing out country up just because i did not vote Romney or Bush does not mean i disagree with someone who did on all topics. I was in the military for 4 years, I am pro police. I have guns and shoot them often, I am for immigration and welfare reform, I am not a proponent of a free lunch I believe hard work will/does pay off I think if you can get vertical you should go into work. I have no problem praying saying the pledge, respecting elders, and saying sir and mam But I am pro public schools, I am in favor of the working class, I think women if they do the same job should get paid as much as men do, I could care less if homosexuals get married. I think you should get your kids immunized. So like my southern friends who are Republican say to me is I am a lot like them only with a different accent

This post was edited on 2/6 1:30 PM by sammyk
I don't know about that NJ. He's the first head of state from that region who basically said, "Enough!!" Granted it's like herding cats over there, but for the King of Jordan to come out and speak that bluntly, I think that's a major step. At least to get the locals to help more with the fighting. And I agree, it will not end well.
Uhh probably not with a straight face.....I do agree that the Jordanian Prince has more balls than Obama though!
There you go proving my point your unwillingness to be objective and point out differences shows the inability to come together. Sad but typical I look for things that can bring people together look OBama is not a great president it is turning out to be a colossal fmess but so was Bush and his presidency and the ability not to recognize that is what is the problem here. Most posters here are it is our way or it is the wrong way what are so guys some 10 year old on a playground somewhere
Here's my point Sam....I agree with just about NOTHING the Dems do and as such I am looking to DEFEAT the Dems not look for common ground. Now don't get me wrong, I like you and Blitz but you are both like pull string toys that say pre-recorded drivel. Take the pretty boy of the left Brian Williams....Buh bye Bri!
Bruce is def looking very womanesque I must say....
Where you been Blitz!? Did the shock treatments help?
Hi, FB! Yeah, shock treatments helped, along with the long, hard sessions with Nurse Ratchett´s daughter (now head nurse at the Whyberry "Facility"). Was all in all a great experience, gave me a whole new perspective on life...jeez.

Darn, though, the "ratings" are way down on this thing here.....gonna have to bring back a few "blasts from the pasts" to revive things...Lift, the Falconator, Mutt, etal. Can´t leave you guys to watch the store for long; you turn it into the board version of the 14-15 76ers...
Originally posted by paul from philly:
I don't know about that NJ. He's the first head of state from that region who basically said, "Enough!!" Granted it's like herding cats over there, but for the King of Jordan to come out and speak that bluntly, I think that's a major step. At least to get the locals to help more with the fighting. And I agree, it will not end well.
No, Paul. Egypt's president, el-Sissi, addressed the issue about a month ago, but the big media here largely did not report it, so the general public doesn't know anything about it. Sadly.

With all that said, it means little because weak leaders like obama aren't going to do anything, out of either fear, stupidity, or just plain incompetence.

obama is the one who called the islamic state the JV team at a time when he told us that global warming (a complete hoax) was the #1 issue facing us. This guy's judgment is so far off base, that it is beyond laughable. Imagine, a president who states that global warming, which, even if true, would not have any serious impact for decades (but it is a hoax, a fact which is being proven true on a daily basis; watch the liberals retreat on this one) is the #1 issue over terrorism, which could have an impact any time from now to the next five years, with a high probability that something will happen within that time frame. This is what is called complete incompetence.
blitz, welcome back and a great line by you! Now, that you have turned on obama, it is nearly unanimous that they guy is a phony and a failure. He is going to have a difficult time living with his legacy and he is praying (probably toward Mecca!) that nothing bad will go wrong over the next 23 months. The stock market is starting to wilt a little and might have only 8-12 months left. But Barry will have Janet Yellen "fix" it by amping up the T-bill buying again.
This post was edited on 2/9 12:42 AM by njfan47
FB thanks for proving my point. Your boys like Cruz , christe paul and the Perry will be great to watch. But the funny thing is as much as they put foot in mouth I still see points that I can kind of agree with to an extent. That is called being sensible and not a straight ticket person. I bet you chase the kids out of your front yard too don't ya
Sammy, I still have never seen even one explanation as to why you voted for obama.
The chance Sarah Palin was on step away from President was a great reason and to show how screwed up some of you guys are she was one of the leaders of the Tea Party HAHAHAHA

This post was edited on 2/9 9:04 AM by sammyk
Thanks Jersey! It´s good to be "back;" missed you guys...why, I dunno. lol.

Hey, speaking of Christie...he´s going after the Oriental vote in the upcoming Presidential Election. Yep, even gonna change his name to: "Chow Hound Foo." Got some great campaign slogans already, too: "Don´t be no fool, vote for Foo!" Or, "vote for Foo, or he eat all your food, Yankee Dog!"

Kinda catchy, huh??
I agree that McCain picked a poor candidate. But in hindsight, you must be surprised by how incompetent obama has turned out to be.
I wrote as much in an earlier post, the Reps can say the same for GW Bush he was a train wreck as well and I am sure you voted for him twice at least I , I mean lets be honest Bush was awful. So come 2016 we can all say that the US has had 16 years of poor leadership in reality since 1970 other than Reagan and Clinton we have had crappy presidents, and if you do the research both of them had some questionable policies. So this is what almost 45 years of bad politics/policies so in hindsight if you voted for Bush I or Bush II or Obama or Carter or Nixon you can say yea not that great of a pick

This post was edited on 2/9 1:09 PM by sammyk
I don't agree with your evaluation of the Presidents. Bush Sr. was not that bad of a president. He just got blindsided by Peirot in the general election. Clinton became president with only 41% of the vote. If not for Good Ole Ross, Clinton might just have been a footnote in history.

This post was edited on 2/9 1:32 PM by paul from philly
Of course you don't So here we go again with the homer Republican retort Bush I not that bad and Clinton not that good you are kidding me right, you know 1 + 1 does not equal Jesus. OK Bush I was as affective as Carter good guy bad president and I think the term read my lips no new taxes might have hurt him a little too. Once again some on here can not be objective

This post was edited on 2/9 1:35 PM by sammyk

This post was edited on 2/9 1:37 PM by sammyk

This post was edited on 2/9 1:44 PM by sammyk

This post was edited on 2/9 1:49 PM by sammyk
OK just calm down Sammy. I didn't take anything away from Clinton. I just mentioned if not for Peirot, Clinton might have lost. You can't deny that. It's in the history books. And do tell how Bush 1 wasn't that good. He tried to hold the line on taxes but couldn't do it. Just because of one line in a speech, you call the guy out?? Look at history. Name an area where he failed as badly as Carter or Obama?
I am calm and I have seen many History books in fact I am looking at one now and see nothing about Perot tanking Bush I. So here is a little nugget for you guys on Bush I 4 years in office

Welfare increased
Taxes increased
unemployment rate increased in the first 2 years
Poverty level increased

and the best one of all Bush I and the leader of Canada at the time were the ones who started NAFTA. Clinton passed it but Bush I Started it. So these History books you read does it say that Jesus is a white Republican baptist from Prospect Park PA

This post was edited on 2/9 2:56 PM by sammyk
I believe that Palin would have done a better job than Mc Cain or Barry....And NO I'm not kidding.
Did you REALLY edit that shit you wrote FOUR times??? I always vote for LESS government, so that would exclude Democrats. If I decide we need more government I'll vote Democrap
Sammy, you edited that damn post four times and still spelled "affective" incorrectly!!!
I hope you don't teach history Sammy. Have to wonder how old you are if you don't remember or can't recall the impact Peirot had on the election. But I asked you to compare G.H.W. Bush to Obama and Carter.

Unemployment under Bush was 6.5%. Now that's the average of his years. When he turned the presidency over to Clinton, the rate was 5.9%. Now I won't even go to the "welfare being up" and "poverty being up" points you made. Obama owns those points. And you don't even have to look it up in a history book. I'll defend Barry a little on that point though. Name a president in the last fifty years that didn't have welfare and poverty rates go up during his presidency.
If you are using today's school history books as a reference, that would be strike one.
Good to hear (see) from ya, as well FB. My computer was on the "DA," disabled list for much of 2014, unfortunately.

Hey, your alma matre´s on quite a run, huh? Jaysus...torchin´everybody...the Hawk lives, lively...
Jersey: My heart remains in Fairly Thrilled, but I am a looooong way away from there....otherwise Christy and I woulda been over at FB´s place for Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinner....woulda forced him into food-financial foreclosure, I reckon...
I am a Wood guy blitz. But yes, Wood and Prep on quite a run. But someone told me that it's all recruiting!
Sorry for the spelling error but typical when presented with facts the unwilling republicans can not cope and deflect so typical. Funny how I can see the errors within the democrat party but you guys are unable to do so, and the fact that you think thr Palin would have done a better job shows me that you might have suffered a head injury of some type and you should see your family doctor ASAP. After that comment a sensible debate is no longer possible
Originally posted by sammyk:
Sorry for the spelling error but typical when presented with facts the unwilling republicans can not cope and deflect so typical. Funny how I can see the errors within the democrat party but you guys are unable to do so, and the fact that you think thr Palin would have done a better job shows me that you might have suffered a head injury of some type and you should see your family doctor ASAP. After that comment a sensible debate is no longer possible
It was just a playful shot at you Sammy. Don't get too offended. I think a lot of us see the problems with Republicans. It's just that anybody could have done a better job than obama, possibly even Palin because her ideas are sounder and more pro-American, although her execution would no doubt be shaky and her poise under pressure would have been an issue.

But, obama is obama and that says it all. Even the left is criticizing his insane comment about Christians having been violent 1,000 YEARS AGO! Yes, Sammy, it gets funnier every day with this clown. He just has no idea what to do to establish some sort of legacy. The clock can't go quickly enough for this way-overmatched sad excuse of a leader.
I agree with you on a lot except Palin my God but anyway, can there be better leadership 100% yes will we get it? That is the question. Look next election on the Dems side it will more than likely be Clinton, she will come in with some dirty laundry plain and simple, and I wanted her over Obama and most would agree with me that she would have been better but that aside she has flaws for sure. Now the Reps, there is a large pool that jockeying for power position some have good ideas others are flawed as much as Clinton maybe even worse. Right now you have

Paul- Some of his ideas I can agree with, he is not as crazy as say Huckabee but let's just see how he plays his politics, the anti vaccine thing has me watching him he is a doctor for Christ sake but he is the one Rep I kind of like.

Christie- loud mouth, overbearing, condescending, know it all. If he is the face of our nation and in power to show his a$$ on a world stage we got problems. Plus his state is reeling.

Busch III- HMMM HMMMM I think he would have been a better President than his brother but I think that his time has passes and what Bush II did will hurt him. But it is early so we will see, I need to see what his platform is before I can jump on or jump off

Walker- Seems to be the rising star in the Republican party but his stance on education troubles me and I do not mean just breaking up teachers unions he is into cutting deep the higher education systems as well so this guy to me is neither hot nor cold but as a pro education guy so far is a no.

Huckabee- to crazy this guy believes that the world is 10,000 years old, the bible is 100% accurate and what his preacher says is gospel, his religious views are so evangelic judgmental views scare me, he would have been a great politician say during the Salem Witch trials.

So to me the Reps have a few good ones but how far will they sink to appease the far right to win, the one that is closer to the middle and I think that is Paul to me is the best choice