Bishop McDevitt shutting down for good at years end

For the McDevitt players to transfer to LaSalle or The Prep, I'm assuming they would have to pass the entrance exam, true?
I used to live in an area close to LaSalle and Germantown Academy and knew kids who played at both schools. My impression was that the entrance requirements at GA were higher than LaSalle but I could be wrong.
For the SJP people, are the requirements to get into The Prep higher than LaSalle?
I doubt that you will see any McD players transferring to either the Prep or LaSalle due to tuition issues . Their tuition is 3x s McD. Those families just cant afford that IMO. This plus other requirements makes this a longshot for any of their guys . I would think Wood if a Catholic school choice , and northeast ,Imhotep or Cheltenham if a Public school.
Romeo everything I’ve heard recently is that schools like Prep, LaSalle, and Inter Ac will work with families to get the price down to match the archdiocese schools. Obviously they’re not going to do that for every kid, but for the ones they want they have been matching price
FJ what's that one guy? Maybe two? The financial burden of the catholic schools is far higher than anyone thinks. Money doesn't just fly around, otherwise schools wouldn't get closed. The money that the interacs and lasalle and prep have goes to where it goes. There is no slush fund for these kids. They are in a tight spot.
PCL I think we are saying the same thing here about the archdiocese schools here with the financial burden. The article mentions tuition being more than 8100. Talking to parents from multiple schools they say it is much closer to 10,000 once you add on all of the fees. Most kids receive financial aid just to be able to afford the tuition. A few people have mentioned that each school can work with a family to provide more help from their own individual funds from donations on top of the financial aid package. Even with the different aid there are a lot of problems with actually receiving payment.

I don't know what types of aid schools from the Inter Ac, LaSalle, Prep offer. But their resources from donations are definitely better than the archdiocese schools. I do not know many kids each year this would come down to, but I know for a fact that some of those schools will tell families they will match tuition of an archdiocese school if they really want the player.

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