Uh oh

Yea, it's looking more and more like they influenced our elections and the Trump fans don't care. The end justified their means.
Please articulate the case. Your own words with facts. No links to leftist websites with emotionally/mentally unstable reporters
Yea, it's looking more and more like they influenced our elections and the Trump fans don't care. The end justified their means.
Was traveling on Friday and Saturday and now I see the report: A CIA source leaked news to the Washington Post - yeah, right. Talk about fake news! Next, Incapabama will order an investigation!
I guess we are now the USSRA. Also the possible new Secretary of State are you kidding me
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The Russian one

This may sound off the wall but give it some thought before you agree or disagree. What is wrong with us having a better relationship with Russia? I know all about their human rights violations. What about our other allies human rights records? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? We're working with Iran for God's sake!! So what is wrong with having a dialogue and a working relationship with a more up to date world power like Russia??
This may sound off the wall but give it some thought before you agree or disagree. What is wrong with us having a better relationship with Russia? I know all about their human rights violations. What about our other allies human rights records? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? We're working with Iran for God's sake!! So what is wrong with having a dialogue and a working relationship with a more up to date world power like Russia??
Paul, this whole concept is nothing more than attempt by the liberal media, which is extremely disappointed because they put a lot of work into trying to get Lie-arry elected, to try to weaken Trump's position before he even takes office. The Russian threat is real (and always has been), but the attempt to link it to Lie-arry's humiliating loss in the election is absurd.

If one were to flip the situation, could you even imagine the liberal media trying to make a case that Lie-arry won the election because the Russians messed with the Republicans and Trump? Not in a thousand years!

First, they came up with the fake news narrative, then white supremacists, now Russia; any guesses as to what could be next? It is comical watching these supposed men and women deal with their five stages of grief.
Fake news now that is rich. Looks like this story might grow legs and walk. The CIA and FBI seem to think so.
Fake news now that is rich. Looks like this story might grow legs and walk. The CIA and FBI seem to think so.

I don't think there is anything anyone can do about this. So the Russians found out and let the American people know the DNC was corrupt! I'd say they did us a service. If they hadn't, Wasserman-Schultz would still be f@ckin' with people. So they dimed on Hillary and her staff's e-mails. If you're not hiding anything, what do you have to worry about
Kind of like tax returns??? Well I am glad Russia is now involved in our politics comrade I mean friend. Maybe will can start to import those nice furry hats now
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I don't think there is anything anyone can do about this. So the Russians found out and let the American people know the DNC was corrupt! I'd say they did us a service. If they hadn't, Wasserman-Schultz would still be f@ckin' with people. So they dimed on Hillary and her staff's e-mails. If you're not hiding anything, what do you have to worry about
Paul, I think you checkmated Sammy, but he probably won't realize it, and will come back with something. Should be interesting!
Kind of like tax returns??? Well I am glad Russia is now involved in our politics comrade I mean friend. Maybe will can start to import those nice furry hats now
Paul, he really didn't realize that he was checkmated! The entertainment continues!
Kind of like tax returns??? Well I am glad Russia is now involved in our politics comrade I mean friend. Maybe will can start to import those nice furry hats now
Sam, they have always been involved in our politics.
I wonder how this would go if the shoe was on the other foot???? Let me guess clever nicknames and blasting of the candidate or at least the party involved but anyway. But i am sure all of this is Ok and on the up and up sheesh. I smell an impeachment, many old school republicans will go crazy if this continues to grow and it looks like it is not slowing down and on that note would you all please rise for the playing of our national anthem

Reagan is rolling over in his grave right now
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I wonder how this would go if the shoe was on the other foot???? Let me guess clever nicknames and blasting of the candidate or at least the party involved but anyway. But i am sure all of this is Ok and on the up and up sheesh. I smell an impeachment, many old school republicans will go crazy if this continues to grow and it looks like it is not slowing down and on that note would you all please rise for the playing of our national anthem

Reagan is rolling over in his grave right now

Always liked that anthem. First heard it in Rocky 4. Sammy, in my life experience all things go back to The Godfather. Any issue in life can be addressed with dialogue from that movie. Even in this case. Obama and Clinton and now Kerry have never really sat down and had a dialogue with Putin. Everyone can't hear over the complaining. Now cue The Godfather. "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer!" How can you know what they're doing if you don't know them.
I wonder how this would go if the shoe was on the other foot???? Let me guess clever nicknames and blasting of the candidate or at least the party involved but anyway. But i am sure all of this is Ok and on the up and up sheesh. I smell an impeachment, many old school republicans will go crazy if this continues to grow and it looks like it is not slowing down and on that note would you all please rise for the playing of our national anthem

Reagan is rolling over in his grave right now
People often ask why the media would pull this kind of stuff. The answer is that it works because there are people like Sammy out there. Once again, mentally and emotionally unstable libs just can't accept that they lost. The media put so much effort into trying to prop up an amazingly weak candidate, and it all failed. It's tough, I understand.

Unreported by the left media is that Congress asked the CIA to come down and discuss this issue and the CIA declined. They gave a lame excuse about an ongoing investigation standing in the way.

Now to the accountability phase, Sammy. You mention impeachment. Under what grounds would this action be taken? Silly of me to even get into it with you, but I do like entertainment! Let us know how Sammy would prepare his impeachment case based on the facts that are known.
Now that is fake news, typical Trumplets. But on a lighter not it is great to see that many of Donald's cabinet holds about 1/3 of the nations wealth. So there will be no need for lobbyist anymore, you have cut out the middle man and put them in power. And back to Donald and impeachment, any knowledge of he or his campaign knowing about this heads will roll. Cant wait for the rich to get richer did you check out the tax cuts he is proposing??? Anyway 4 years will be here soon and we can then move on
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Now that is fake news, typical Trumplets. But on a lighter not it is great to see that many of Donald's cabinet holds about 1/3 of the nations wealth. So there will be no need for lobbyist anymore, you have cut out the middle man and put them in power. And back to Donald and impeachment, any knowledge of he or his campaign knowing about this heads will roll
Ladies and gentlemen, after a lot of hot air, this is what is known as failure. All of that bluster, Sammy, and then that's your reply? It shows that you are just repeating what you hear. Think of how the reply that you just presented would hold up in court! I now have my entertainment for the day, thanks to another dem who just can't handle what has happened! You guys never let me down! Now, if we could just get a comment or two from reluctant to think, ginger, chuvy, etc.!
4 years will be here soon and then we can move on. Back to the Donald and all of his glory at least it will be interesting to say the least. At least the Donald is leaving it up to the wealthy to create jobs with all of the tax break money. HAHAHAHAHA
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Paul you ever wonder why no WikiLeaks stuff came out about Trump or the GOP? By the way, nothing in any of those emails whether it was the DNC or Clinton's staff showed any wrong doing. Just a lot of mean spirited talk, but I thought we weren't supposed to be concerned with that these days? Remember all the mimes about "Trump just says mean things"?

Trump will be impeached soon enough. It's going to be fun watching him go down in flames.
Paul you ever wonder why no WikiLeaks stuff came out about Trump or the GOP? By the way, nothing in any of those emails whether it was the DNC or Clinton's staff showed any wrong doing. Just a lot of mean spirited talk, but I thought we weren't supposed to be concerned with that these days? Remember all the mimes about "Trump just says mean things"?

Trump will be impeached soon enough. It's going to be fun watching him go down in flames.

I totally agree with you. He is gonna have a rough road!! But therein lies a silver lining. You just said that all the DNC leaks were just mean spirited but nothing was wrong with it. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was the party leader stacking the box against Bernie!! Nothing wrong?? Just mean spirited? It's the way the political machine works! Now there is where the silver lining come in. Trump is not part of the machine. He's gonna rock the boat. Most of these life time politicians don't know what to make of him!! Republican and Democrat! He's gonna have a lot of enemies. It will be mighty interesting!!
Trump is not part of the machine? Sammy mentioned 1/3 of the nation's wealth is in his cabinet. He may not be part of the political machine (he buys them), but he's part of the machine. Turkey is already locking up business ties of his. Possibly to make an exchange for someone in exile Turkey wants in return.

From what I've read of the DNC emails, there was a lot of hand wringing and "we should do", but nothing actually done to stack the box against Bernie. And I'm a Bernie supporter.
This may sound off the wall but give it some thought before you agree or disagree. What is wrong with us having a better relationship with Russia? I know all about their human rights violations. What about our other allies human rights records? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? We're working with Iran for God's sake!! So what is wrong with having a dialogue and a working relationship with a more up to date world power like Russia??
Right on Paul. Whether for intrigue or openness, you always keep a channel open....always!
Paul you ever wonder why no WikiLeaks stuff came out about Trump or the GOP? By the way, nothing in any of those emails whether it was the DNC or Clinton's staff showed any wrong doing. Just a lot of mean spirited talk, but I thought we weren't supposed to be concerned with that these days? Remember all the mimes about "Trump just says mean things"?

Trump will be impeached soon enough. It's going to be fun watching him go down in flames.
20% Paycut said shortly after the election that Trump was more of a liberal; now he predicts that he will be impeached, well before he even takes office, while failing to mention the reason for impeachment and the process that will take place to bring this action about. Silly me for asking for backup, details, support, etc. In any case, which one is it Paycut? Why can't you make up your mind (?) as to what Trump actually is?
Trump is not part of the machine? Sammy mentioned 1/3 of the nation's wealth is in his cabinet. He may not be part of the political machine (he buys them), but he's part of the machine. Turkey is already locking up business ties of his. Possibly to make an exchange for someone in exile Turkey wants in return.

From what I've read of the DNC emails, there was a lot of hand wringing and "we should do", but nothing actually done to stack the box against Bernie. And I'm a Bernie supporter.
Paycut, I know you block me for some strange reason, but please don't base an opinion on Sammy's facts. If you really believe that one-third of the nation's wealth is in his cabinet, you are even less intelligent than anyone could have imagined. The point is that we have pro-business people who actually know what they are doing in the real world, rather than diplomats and people like Incapabama who have no real-world experience. That's why things like the Boeing and Carrier deals are rubber stamped and not negotiated like they should be. Sounds like you have Turkey figured out pretty well. What are the odds of your "prediction" coming through? This is gonna be good, once again!
Well, this one takes the cake Sammy. First of all, your post from last Friday explicitly states that Trump's cabinet "holds one-third of the nation's wealth." Your link today mentions that Trump's cabinet has more money than one-third of all American households combined. Do you understand the difference in these two measures? Do you understand how incorrect your first post was? Did you really think that the net worth of Trump's cabinet was one-third of the nation's wealth? You are a teacher, for crying out loud. This is not good.

However, all that aside, what is your point. How is this bad? Because the article told you to think that it's bad? You should apply some critical thinking skills. Many of these cabinet members have built successful businesses and they know how to get better deals for the country, as opposed to Incapabama's cabinet members, who largely were diplomats and theoriticians who lacked big business experience. That's how Air Force One-type deals were rubber stamped and not negotiated.

Sammy, The Obama Malaise is coming to an end, but your Five Stages of Grief are just beginning!
Sorry got my degree at Trump U where you take facts lie about them and present them as the truth, I mean that is what he does so following the lead of The Donald. So just like him I presented something as fact so it is fact. I am going to like the new aristocracy with King trump or should I say Czar Trump
Sorry got my degree at Trump U where you take facts lie about them and present them as the truth, I mean that is what he does so following the lead of The Donald. So just like him I presented something as fact so it is fact. I am going to like the new aristocracy with King trump or should I say Czar Trump
So you take zero responsibility for putting out a number that was so far from accurate, that it almost cannot be put into words? Then you invoke Trump in your response. I don't know whether laugh or feel bad for you.
Funny from a Trump man I mean you are kidding right. This is a brave new world, you can make stuff up and say that it is true and people believe you, I mean the Czar said so


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