Trump and the GOP


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
This campaign is & will continue to be hilarious. Ryan says Trump's racist statement "came out of left field" Hahaha. Seems like a continuation of his usual shit. Republicans have chosen Donnie Trump as the face of their party and it is a perfect reflection of most Republicans I know. Now they own him all the way. They love him and voted for him because he screamed in public what they have grumbled in bars, whispered in mixed company or secretly thought. Racism, misogony, bigotry------ that's what they REALLY voted for. Here is hoping that Trump & his "real American" followers take down the GOP for good. Thank you. Have a nice day
This campaign is & will continue to be hilarious. Ryan says Trump's racist statement "came out of left field" Hahaha. Seems like a continuation of his usual shit. Republicans have chosen Donnie Trump as the face of their party and it is a perfect reflection of most Republicans I know. Now they own him all the way. They love him and voted for him because he screamed in public what they have grumbled in bars, whispered in mixed company or secretly thought. Racism, misogony, bigotry------ that's what they REALLY voted for. Here is hoping that Trump & his "real American" followers take down the GOP for good. Thank you. Have a nice day’s-time-to-blame-obamacare-for-losing-so-many-full-time-jobs/ar-AAgPzxz?li=BBnbfcN
You're so happy about the big meany Trump you can't see the forest for the trees!! Obviously you don't understand!! This economy sucks and the fact that you don't see it is even scarier than people backing Trump. Don't just look at the part-time numbers, look at the all the numbers. People leaving the work force, jobs not being created!! What recovery?? And you want 4 more years of that?? You have a nice day!
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Trump could be catatrophic. I honestly believe he is mentally ill. We will see what the American voters decide. I just call 'em as I see 'em pal. Enjoy.
Trump could be catatrophic. I honestly believe he is mentally ill. We will see what the American voters decide. I just call 'em as I see 'em pal. Enjoy.

So you call them as you see them? How do you call Obama's handy work. And Hillary's character? Do you think she is likeable, trustworthy? Not putting words in your mouth but call it as you see it. Should we all go out in the street and be totally flush with anticipation for Hillary? Or should we be wary? Call it as you see it. I'll wait.
I feel Obama is a good President and will be leaving the country in better shape than he inherited it. I feel Hillary is MUCH more trustworthy than Don"the con" Trump and more sane than pumpkin head too. Like I said I believe Trump is mentally ill and should never get anywhere near the oval office. The GOP hitched their wagon to the wrong horse and I will truly enjoy watching this campaign. It is so funny to see you and the other gas bag on here almost get effeminate over Obama & Hillary---- anyway we will let the voters of this great country decide. By the way it has been a long time since any President has left office with the approval ratings Obama has. Depending on the polls it is as high as 56% or as low as 52% (Fox poll of course) so despite what u think many people are not in lock-step with Limbaugh, Fox News or any of the other far right commentators
I feel Obama is a good President and will be leaving the country in better shape than he inherited it. I feel Hillary is MUCH more trustworthy than Don"the con" Trump and more sane than pumpkin head too. Like I said I believe Trump is mentally ill and should never get anywhere near the oval office. The GOP hitched their wagon to the wrong horse and I will truly enjoy watching this campaign. It is so funny to see you and the other gas bag on here almost get effeminate over Obama & Hillary---- anyway we will let the voters of this great country decide. By the way it has been a long time since any President has left office with the approval ratings Obama has. Depending on the polls it is as high as 56% or as low as 52% (Fox poll of course) so despite what u think many people are not in lock-step with Limbaugh, Fox News or any of the other far right commentators

Not one of these polls (I think all are covered), not one has his approval rating as high as you stated. Not even your Fox news number as you stated. And he hasn't left office yet so give it time. By the way where did you get your so called poll numbers? Or did you go and just throw something out there thinking we were democrats and would just accept them?

Just so you know, this "gas bag", as you call me, is voting libertarian so I don't have to vote for either nut job!! The country will go down but not because of me. And don't come back and say chicken. Give me a true bonafide reason to vote for Clinton. My point is I don't think you can.
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To be at 50% after 8 years is quite impressive. Check out Reagan's after 8 years. I am glad you did not dispute that President Obama is leaving the nation in better shape than what the GOP left him 8 years ago. Once again I believe the country is better off with Hillary as President---- and that is the only question to answer about this election. I believe she is more sane than Don the Con. No other criteria is necessary--- is there?? Also paul, we will see how the public views Obama's presidency in November. Every one of you asshole far righters say Hillary will be tantamount to a 3rd term of Obama. So the upcomcoming election will be the ultimate approval rating of President Obama. Get back to me after that.
Come on Chuv. You (guys) had a nice dialogue going that others may have joined before calling Paul a gasbag and asshole. What's that about?
Called far righters assholes and the other blind GOPer on here a gasbag. What????? If Donnie Trump ( their candidate) can call anyone who disagrees with him names why can't I ?
Of course you can say whatever you want chuvalo. Just saying it doesn't encourage dialogue anymore than Trump gets respect for his antics....including many of his supporters.

I think at some point he self-destructs (dahh!) but it will be an entertaining ride with both candidates flawed.
Trump could be catatrophic. I honestly believe he is mentally ill. We will see what the American voters decide. I just call 'em as I see 'em pal. Enjoy.
Chuvalo, can you tell us the meaning of the word you used....catatrophic? I've not seen that word. Aren't you a Wood graduate? You are embarrassing all of us other Wood grads, man. And the childish namecalling shows how small of a man (boy) you are.

And I did not vote for Trump in the primary, but would take him over Hillary any day. The overall point, however, is my life is gonna be just fine either way, while you seem to really need this election to go your way. Why? You probably have no idea!
I feel Obama is a good President and will be leaving the country in better shape than he inherited it. I feel Hillary is MUCH more trustworthy than Don"the con" Trump and more sane than pumpkin head too. Like I said I believe Trump is mentally ill and should never get anywhere near the oval office. The GOP hitched their wagon to the wrong horse and I will truly enjoy watching this campaign. It is so funny to see you and the other gas bag on here almost get effeminate over Obama & Hillary---- anyway we will let the voters of this great country decide. By the way it has been a long time since any President has left office with the approval ratings Obama has. Depending on the polls it is as high as 56% or as low as 52% (Fox poll of course) so despite what u think many people are not in lock-step with Limbaugh, Fox News or any of the other far right commentators
Chuvalo, your problem is that you are feeling, not thinking. If you think obama will be leaving the country in better shape than he inherited it, you need to consider the following:
  • he took over at a very bad time for the overall economy, caused by the unwinding of the Clinton Housing Bubble
  • median annual household income is almost $2,000 lower
  • nearly 10 million more people are at or below the poverty level
  • there are over 12 million more people on food stamps
  • family healthcare premiums are up 40%
  • the labor participation rate is at a multi-decade low
  • we have lost 264,000 manufacturing jobs (but this is mostly Clinton's fault, having signed NAFTA)
  • obama will have accumulated more debt than all other presidents combined by the time he leaves office
I often hear liberals use terms like "presided over" and "on his watch" talking about Bush's term. What you either fail to realize or fail to admit is that policies like Clinton's housing policy and obama's debt take years and sometimes over a decade to have an impact. Looking at what happens on one's presidential term is sometimes a very shortsighted way to view things. Same thing with Bush's war in Iraq; it put obama in a difficult situation, one that he handled badly, but the point of long-term impact is almost always evident.
Any problems iniated by Mr. Reagan ? I think there is a chance that next January we will be addressing the newly elected President as Madam President.
No pun intended but NOTHING trumps basic human rights and your party has a problem with that. I am a proud Wood grad as are my children. I am a Pope John Paul/ Pope Francis Catholic and, overall, I believe they would not like your Don the Con. Actually I believe they hinted that. How do u sleep at night?
No pun intended but NOTHING trumps basic human rights and your party has a problem with that. I am a proud Wood grad as are my children. I am a Pope John Paul/ Pope Francis Catholic and, overall, I believe they would not like your Don the Con. Actually I believe they hinted that. How do u sleep at night?
Now, how about if you respond to the points made about many measures of economic strength being worse off since Mr. Regulation took over.

And regarding Trump vs. Hillary, I doubt the Catholic Church in general would be for either one, an insulting womanizer vs. a crook who uses a so-called foundation to line her pockets on the premise of selling future influence. That's the difference between conservatives and liberals; we can at least see the weakness in our candidates, whereas I have heard many libs say Hillary is the most accomplished person for the office of president. Then, when they are asked what the accomplishments are, they go silent.

What year did you graduate from Wood?
It's amazing how the economy and terrorism and all this bad shit seems to have skipped 8 and 12 year chunks. Carter, Clinton, Obama are responsible for everything bad. Did you notice that since Obama (I know it's the military) has taken out so many ISIS and al Qaeda #1's and #2's that now the GOP talking point is "well it doesn't matter, they just get replaced". If he didn't take them out, like Bush didn't, then it would be "he's a muslim sympathizer".

ChristieFan, that was nice how you called out Chuvalo on his "catatrophic" typo. Man, you got him good!
Prove it. When is the last time you didn't vote for a Republican Presidential Nominee?

Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, Al Gore (didn't even win his own state of Tennessee). Some real winners there. Makes you want to run out and switch parties right now!! And if it hadn't been for Ross Pierot, you would have never heard of Bill Clinton. One more time: Michael Dukakis!! BAHAHAHA!!
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It's amazing how the economy and terrorism and all this bad shit seems to have skipped 8 and 12 year chunks. Carter, Clinton, Obama are responsible for everything bad. Did you notice that since Obama (I know it's the military) has taken out so many ISIS and al Qaeda #1's and #2's that now the GOP talking point is "well it doesn't matter, they just get replaced". If he didn't take them out, like Bush didn't, then it would be "he's a muslim sympathizer".

ChristieFan, that was nice how you called out Chuvalo on his "catatrophic" typo. Man, you got him good!
Reluctant to Think, why are you unable to comment on the economic issues pointed out above as they relate to obama? This makes two of you libs who have been unable to do so.

You appear to be comfortable making what you probably think is a great point about obama having taken out #1 and #2 terrorist leaders. If you were capable of even moderate thought depth, you might ask what is the net effect of this? Do you really think nobody is capable of stepping up and replacing the so-called leaders? And you conveniently ignore the fact that obama called ISIS the JV team and allowed them to flourish under his watch. If he were so intent on taking out #1 and #2 leaders, why would he have skipped ISIS? Was it just a brain fart or a major oversight that led to thousands of deaths? Try to be just a little bit honest with your answer.

I don't think it was a typo; I think the guy can't spell or think.
Reluctant to Think, why are you unable to comment on the economic issues pointed out above as they relate to obama? This makes two of you libs who have been unable to do so.

You appear to be comfortable making what you probably think is a great point about obama having taken out #1 and #2 terrorist leaders. If you were capable of even moderate thought depth, you might ask what is the net effect of this? Do you really think nobody is capable of stepping up and replacing the so-called leaders? And you conveniently ignore the fact that obama called ISIS the JV team and allowed them to flourish under his watch. If he were so intent on taking out #1 and #2 leaders, why would he have skipped ISIS? Was it just a brain fart or a major oversight that led to thousands of deaths? Try to be just a little bit honest with your answer.

I don't think it was a typo; I think the guy can't spell or think.

Agreed totally NJ. They spout great things about Obama and Hillary, yet they can't put any facts behind their logic. Just spouting like some high school kid with his first Playboy!! Or if there are facts and they somehow shine the light on how bad Hillary and Obama have been, they ignore them!!
Agreed totally NJ. They spout great things about Obama and Hillary, yet they can't put any facts behind their logic. Just spouting like some high school kid with his first Playboy!! Or if there are facts and they somehow shine the light on how bad Hillary and Obama have been, they ignore them!!
Obama is on TV now making a fool of himself, lecturing about how Trump is wrong when it is, in fact, obama who called ISIS the JV team and oversaw their rise. Also, it is obama's FBI who had the shooter in their grasp, but let him go. Where is their accountability?

These libs on here won't address the points about the economy being weak; so the question is whether they just don't have an answer or are they in denial and just pretend that these conditions don't exist. Then they ask questions like "How do you sleep at night" while expecting to be taken seriously. And the other fool brags about taking out terror leaders while being in complete denial about the rise of ISIS and obama's accountability for this. And taking out the terror leaders is not going to slow this down, but libs want to get a nice, warm feeling in their little tummies about this. It's BS because this is low-tech terrorism and it can't be that hard to replace these murderers. Afterall, they are murdering people, not building a supercomputer. Paul, what ever happened to basic common sense?
No pun intended but NOTHING trumps basic human rights and your party has a problem with that. I am a proud Wood grad as are my children. I am a Pope John Paul/ Pope Francis Catholic and, overall, I believe they would not like your Don the Con. Actually I believe they hinted that. How do u sleep at night?
  • From a member of the party that founded the KKK!
  • From a member of the party that uses African American votes and provides the kind of economic under-performance that obama has over the past 7.5 years.
  • From a member of the party whose leader (obama) saw that charter schools in Washington, DC, at which minorities were much better off, were not funded, all because of the teacher's union's control of the democratic party.
And then you ask a clown questions like "how do you sleep at night?" I sleep well knowing my efforts to help those less fortunate than me are working out well. Leave it to a pompous liberal to think he has someone figured out based on a message board conversation.
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After more than a week has passed, I guess Chuvalo is just speechless. Embarrassing!

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