The Answer!!

No, not Allen Iverson!! John Kasich!!!
Kasich seems like a good guy and would do a good job of getting the finances of this country back on track after obama will have added about $8-10 trillion to the national debt (without hardly a mention by the media), but Kasich is going to have a hard time in South Carolina and Nevada.

Trump, with all his craziness, resonates with a good percentage of the population because he is running for an office that is currently held by a weakling. When a weakling like obama is the White House, a tough guy always looks better than he should. And obama is a weakling in terms of being a pussy and by being incompetent and incapable of running anything. Trump is perceived as a guy who has successfully run a business, and that's appealing to some.
Sammy, crazy is watching a guy (obama) run up nearly $10 trillion in debt and having people like you and other democrats never even mention it, perhaps because they are unaware of it. Maybe it's because their media doesn't tell them to be aware of it. It truly is hard to explain. But that is the state of the democratic electorate these days.
Funny how you say anything about a crazy republican you have to go right to Obama. Obama> Cruze or Trump
From the reaction of the audience at the debate on Saturday night, it seems the public might be getting tired of Trump. A lot of booing going on! We can only hope!!
Funny how you say anything about a crazy republican you have to go right to Obama. Obama> Cruze or Trump
Sammy, are you referring to the obama who has a near 49% unfavorable rating? The one who has run up nearly $10 trillion in debt? The one who made a disasterous nuclear deal with Iran while forgetting to negotiate the release of four American hostages in Iran? The one who introduced obamacare and the infamous website? The one who has done nothing about the violence in one of his many hometowns, Chicago? The one who has been president for 7+ years, only to see the LPOF (liberal pissed-off factor) stay at a very high level? The one who sees the current democratic candidates campaigning today as if none of obama's promises have been delivered? The one who oversaw the assassination of four civil servants in Benghazi? The one who has done nothing to settle the issue of US corporations having $2 trillion overseas and not wanting to bring it back due to the high corporate tax rate (not that he created this tax rate, but with the number being so large, leadership was needed, maybe taxing overseas at 15% or so, instead of 35%, allowing jobs to be created in the USA)? Or, is there someone else?
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Sammy, are you referring to the obama who has a near 49% unfavorable rating? The one who has run up nearly $10 trillion in debt? The one who made a disasterous nuclear deal with Iran while forgetting to negotiate the release of four American hostages in Iran? The one who introduced obamacare and the infamous website? The one who has done nothing about the violence in one of his many hometowns, Chicago? The one who has been president for 7+ years, only to see the LPOF (liberal pissed-off factor) stay at a very high level? The one who sees the current democratic candidates campaigning today as if none of obama's promises have been delivered? The one who oversaw the assassination of four civil servants in Benghazi? The one who has done nothing to settle the issue of US corporations having $2 trillion overseas and not wanting to bring it back due to the high corporate tax rate (not that he created this tax rate, but with the number being so large, leadership was needed, maybe taxing overseas at 15% or so, instead of 35%, allowing jobs to be created in the USA)? Or, is there someone else?
Sammy, no reply to this one? You gotta admit, it's a pretty bad list of decomplishments that "O" has put together! And can you believe that I had the "audacity" to leave out "O" calling ISIS "the JV team." Damn, what has this guy been right on?
What have the last two presidents been right on? Obama bad GW just as bad
What have the last two presidents been right on? Obama bad GW just as bad
Remember, Sammy, the basis of the comparison was Trump vs. obama. You mentioned how crazy Trump is and l listed a series of obama decomplishments that would be hard to decomplish even if one tried. They are almost inexplicable and are due to either insanity, stupidity, poor judgment, etc.; take your pick.

The point is that while Trump would be egotistical, pompous, cantankerous, nasty, etc., he'd still be better than what we are now stuck with.

And "O" is not done yet. The latest is that he's soon going to go to Cuba to "open things up" on the Island of Communism. What the media doesn't tell you is that when a company opens for business in Cuba, the government "handles" the employees wages and then distributes to the employee an amount that is "fair". We know that it always gets dangerous when liberals/socialists/communists define "fair". I have heard from some local Cubans with family members still on the island that the employee often nets out at 5%. The other factor is that every job created in Cuba is one less job in the USA. No wonder the LPOF (liberal pissed-off factor) is so high, as "O" continues to take opportunity away from the people who voted for him.
One less job in the US. As long as it is cheaper to do something somewhere else there will always be one less job in the US
One less job in the US. As long as it is cheaper to do something somewhere else there will always be one less job in the US
No, it's probably not cheaper, not when the Cuban government has to get so much of the money that should be paid to the worker, but who knows in the end.

But you missed the point. The overall point is why obama is so intent on helping out Cuba without the pre-condition that Cuba give people opportunity to improve their lives and be able to make some money. Until proven otherwise, it's because socialists/communists like to make deals with socialists/communists. "O" is just giving Cuba more time on the clock, when their time should have run out long ago due to the failure of socialism/communism.

The larger point was that obama's craziness is hard to match, while people get distracted by Trump's antics, which are strange in some ways, but are no match for obama's decomplishments ($8 trillion in debt, bad nuclear deal, obamacare, JV team, Chicago crime, 35% corporate tax rate stuck in the mud, etc.), which are long-term hurtful to the US.