Scott Walker


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
Plans on cutting 300 million to education but at least he will spend 220 million on the Milwaukee Bucks. Who says Republicans are not impulse spenders
You misstated the facts, Sammy. He proposed spending $220 million on an arena in which the Bucs would play. And he laid out a plan to cover costs from various sources. And who is to say that the education budget was not bloated? And, regarding the arena, other events would also take place there. Surely, the Dems in Wisconsin would complain loudly if the Bucs would have left. It was no-win situation for Walker.
300 mill is a good start! Lower Merion spends 23, 700.00 per student per year. A good school district, but really??? Nowhere to trim there huh Sam? How about we just send each kid to upper echelon (the very best) private schools and pocket 3 grand per student per year? Test scores would improve, and our wallets would get fatter..

Maybe governor muppet face can fill in some potholes then....

This post was edited on 3/13 9:27 AM by fb107
What North Allegheny and Mt Lebo ect spend around 7-8K and the average in SEPA is around 13K your example is the only school in SEPA that spends that many are around 10 K so nice try
This post was edited on 3/13 10:42 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 3/13 10:44 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 3/13 10:51 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 3/13 11:05 AM by sammyk

The point being that the average private school (for instance Bishop Shanahan or Cardinal O'Hara) is much less than this 13k. I used high end public school to high end private school. The numbers are what they are across almost every demographic.

Can we agree that West Catholic in Philly would provide a BETTER education at a much lower cost than the Phila. School District provides..... Vouchers would be the end for many inner-city public schools, but would be a new beginning for the minority population!
Re: Privatize!

So make all inner city schools private or charter I think you would find the cost higher than you think. And I looked private schools are more expensive than the average per pupil spending. Like I said if you flooded the private schools with all the inner city public schools students does that change the home life of these kids the problems they bring? Now some private schools do well because they are small and controlled and can let go or admit who they want what happens if they become saturated with all of the inner city kids? You would have to create a lot more private schools which would increase cost and funding and then what do you do with the problems then? Expell all of the bad kids? Where do they go what happens to that school?. Schools do not make students parents and students do, I have listed a ton of public schools that are not just good but awesome, why are they awesome? My bet is that the school is filled with parents that are involved and have a high value on education.
This post was edited on 3/15 9:35 AM by sammyk
Re: Privatize!

My bet is that what we are doing now at a lot more cost is not working. Let's try something different that history tells us is less $ and works better....
Re: Privatize!

Ok like what I am open to ideas or solutions what do you got? I like what they do in Europe and Asia, you track them and by the 8th grade the students are sent on pathways, workforce, university, skilled labor ect. Now this will never fly but I like it many of my students would benefit from it

This post was edited on 3/16 2:35 PM by sammyk

This post was edited on 3/16 2:44 PM by sammyk
Re: Privatize!

You are correct that not everyone is college material. Arguably, many in the blue collar sector are making better money then many college graduates.
Re: Privatize!

True my family were coal miners and steel mill workers my brothers work for the Natural gas companies but with that said what fix is there for schools
Re: Privatize!

Ok I can go along with that but this all changed a while back but no child left behind took it to a new level. The reason I believe Bush did this is because the US was being compared to other countries and not doing too well so there was push back from politicians about our educational system. The countries we are compared to all have a national standard. So Bush installed No Child Left Behind. Then Obama and the Dems installed common core which added to NCLB. As a teacher I have zero problem with National standards, I mean Geometry in California is the same as Geometry in Georgia right, Science is science, English is English ect ect. Now I think states should have some input in some areas such as history, PE. Now many of these Governors do not like common core because you can now compare states apples to apples and I know NC does not want to be compared to PA. But you can not have it both ways either you can not say we are behind other industrial nations in educations and not be willing to do what they do to compete. Also you can not blast education for not being on top if we do our own thing either educationally. Just like you can not complain about abortion and then complain about people who have a ton of kids and do not take care of them.

This post was edited on 3/17 11:21 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 3/17 11:23 AM by sammyk
Re: Privatize!

Yes I always had a prob with the republicans who were against abortion, but did not offer an alternative for the care of these children. Certainly abortion is a horrid thing, but I believe government should stay away from abortion AND caring for welfare recipients long term. Lots of problems!....
Re: Privatize!

HA Like I said I use my personal experiences to shape my political views. And I try to see it from other perspectives
"every" kid to private schools and pocket the difference? Surely you jest . the private schools couldn't handle every student a point that none of the public school bashers ever address