Sammy has a narrow 8-7 lead over Reluctant...


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
In a very heated competition of who can strike out more, Sammy (a.k.a. 50 pts. per game) has an 8-7 lead over legendary, infamous, long-time poster reluctant to comment. Referring to the amount of posts that had zero replies! This is since January 31, so it's an amazingly high number of posts that went unanswered in just 1.5 months, leading to much frustration and head banging by the dangerous duo, as they think that their posts can take down The Trumpster as they play to a large audience of 5-10 people on this site. {Could Sammy call my grammar into question for what is obviously a run-on sentence? I hope not.}

Sammy, in particular, has been working fulltime and then some, in order to post and reply like a man possessed, not realizing the entertainment that he is providing to most of the 5-10 people who follow his lunacy. Congratulations boys, job well done!
Ok lets see here how can I address captain bone spur here (AKA Liberace)
1. 50 points per game. Your math is way off last year we averaged 23 ppg 2016 was 29ppg 2015 was 32ppg. So nowhere near 50 so there is your math lesson for the day. Working full time to opst on this board, hmmm so lets say a post takes 45sec to a min to post I am averaging about 2 minutes a day. Another math lesson for you. So Liberace enjoy your day and don't let the bone spurs get you.
Ok lets see here how can I address captain bone spur here (AKA Liberace)
1. 50 points per game. Your math is way off last year we averaged 23 ppg 2016 was 29ppg 2015 was 32ppg. So nowhere near 50 so there is your math lesson for the day. Working full time to opst on this board, hmmm so lets say a post takes 45sec to a min to post I am averaging about 2 minutes a day. Another math lesson for you. So Liberace enjoy your day and don't let the bone spurs get you.
It's all in fun Sammy, but I do believe that you let up 50 ppg in the last two games of the year or 2 of the last 3 games, or something like that. So, when you played the good teams, you let up a lot of points. So, your nickname can't be the Secretary of Defense, unfortunately.