Realignment and success formula

No offense Haussmann I had to laugh when you said........other than Aliquippa and Southern Columbia the system works. Those are two of the winningest programs in the state's history. My sense of humor usually twists things but it definitely works for them!

I do know people have been suspicious of SCA for years, which likely translates to jealousy. A look at Roth's players, physically, shows how dedicated they are to off season weight training, etc.

Back my way people try tagging Steelton-Highspire with the recruiting label because they've been successful forever, not having researched to know they were winning 70-80 years ago.
Actually, they lost a 4-star this season when Mehki Flowers (PSU) transferring out to CD East, feeling he'd get better exposure there. Steelton-Highspire mimics Aliquippa, Coatesville and other economically depressed towns on hard times with the mills closing.

** Here's hoping Quips win their case and SCA has to count Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech's numbers.