Not really sure what you are rambling on about and frankly I don't care. Facts are facts. There is a reason schools are rated and all of the schools mentioned are rated very highly. Like I said, doesn't mean you can't get a quality education at a school like Wood, Carroll, Bonner, O'Hara etc. Being a teacher myself, good students that have a thirst for knowledge will succeed anywhere they go. However, as you so eloquently noted in your football argument, there are the haves and the have nots. Those that can afford to send their kids to the haves and succeed are more than likely to receive a more well rounded education. Those that unfortunately can't can still get a quality education and go to very good colleges. However, the kids that are going to he Prep, LaSalle, Inter AC schools are for the most part scoring better on achievement tests, entrance exams and percentage wise getting into better colleges. Like I said, rankings come out every year. Not sure why you would choose to ignore them. I'm sure you have your own issues, but it appears to be fact for all to see. Maybe before you come on a site and start judging people as morons and dopes you should clean up your own backyard and help yourself become a well rounded person. Just a thought!