Maybe I have been a little unfair on the Donald I mean why would someone be critical of a guy who has
Attacked a POW
Attacked the Intel community
Attacked free press
Attacked immigrant
Said he was going to put his political opponent in jail
Has had several members of his cabinet involved in one way or another with Russia with one fired
Promised massive jobs to be created
Set an unrealistic time table on ISIS
Said to repeal and replace the affordable health care act entirely
Said his presidential win was the biggest ever
Said he knows more than anybody about a lot of things including National Defense ect
Has had people in his cabinet lie and lie often
Compared Putin to American leaders
Said that Ted Cruz father was involved in the Kennedy killing
Yea I am being too hard on the guy. Wake up Trumptards
Attacked a POW
Attacked the Intel community
Attacked free press
Attacked immigrant
Said he was going to put his political opponent in jail
Has had several members of his cabinet involved in one way or another with Russia with one fired
Promised massive jobs to be created
Set an unrealistic time table on ISIS
Said to repeal and replace the affordable health care act entirely
Said his presidential win was the biggest ever
Said he knows more than anybody about a lot of things including National Defense ect
Has had people in his cabinet lie and lie often
Compared Putin to American leaders
Said that Ted Cruz father was involved in the Kennedy killing
Yea I am being too hard on the guy. Wake up Trumptards