Neshaminy football coach


New Member
Jan 27, 2015
Over the past few weeks I have been monitoring the situation on this message board rather closely, as I was made aware of this from a fellow parent. I want to state that there have been some accurate statements and some inaccurate statements regarding the situation. I have been linked directly to the Neshaminy football program for 4 years due to my son playing in the program. My son wasn't a superstar, but he was a tough son of a gun that had passion for the sport and I must say never once did I have a problem with the way Coach Schmidt handled any situation my son was involved. I know that if my son was scolded for something he did, he deserved it and it would be made sure it would never happen again. Coach Schmidt has had a huge impact on where my son is tonight, working for a very reputable company in New York City. I can honestly say that no guidance counselor, teacher or administrator has had a bigger impact on my son than Coach Schmidt. In fact In seeing some of Coaches practices from afar, I'd be willing to state that they are more organized and more structured than some of the teachers classrooms. In ending Id like to say that those of you on this message board that have had no direct contact with coach to please stop making such ridiculous posts. What will happen when your child's boss yells at him, or says what are you doing? You screwed that up, but not in those words? Is he gonna come home and tell mommy and daddy? This exact message was sent to the powers to be, just wanted to share my thoughts with fans and locals. Here's to Coach Schmidt back in Langhorne.... cheers!
Thanks for your testimony, happy for your boy, wish him continued success.
I don't know what the answers are either. Having played decades ago under a "tough love" coach, the experience no doubt propelled me in my professional career undoubtedly in a positive way. I don't know Coach Schmidt personally, his m.o. I can only derive from the critiques and praises related on this forum from those who have. The impression I have is that his "retirement" from Neshaminy seemed to have a similar texture to that of Gil Brooks from SJP.
Strong men, polarizing personalities and "old school" coaching philosophies. Head coaches' personal interaction with players, parents, school administrators and local community have become equally important now, dereliction on any of these fronts leads to discourse and program demise.
I've always had great respect for high school coaches, their time and dedication for paltry financial reward furthers my admiration. Unfortunately negligence and malfeasance occur, like in any profession.
I have no chip in the game here, but one hopes that Neshaminy can straighten this current ill-will out.
Sounds like they're just working out the details for a Schmidt return? The kids will be better for it in the long run.
"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

That's our good friend Ben Franklin weighing in on "commenting" upon a difficult situation.


Then again there's Mr. Einstein's view: "If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity."

What to do; what to do.

Well, the "safe spot" is to just write that I love Neshaminy Redskins football. It's a great institution and it has been for many, many years. Tough to leave it at that, though, so I'll add that over its history it has survived some very rocky moments that seemed quite dire at the time. But fortunately those who had their hands on the tiller during those times ultimately made the right calls with those decisions then inuring to the program's benefit (course that required getting out of one's own skin to do, no doubt, and nobody ever said it was easy).

So let's make the right call (it's just that simple).

Just make the right call.

PS Since my Dad first took me up to watch a game in the very early '60s I have never wavered in keeping the 'Skins before the Irish, the Iggs or the Jackets (need to keep my priorities straight - ha).
"I'm kind of just fed up," Schmidt said. "I've moved on, but I thought someone would have called and told me something."

I guess he didn't think they would take his resignation last year or might beg him back? Not gonna happen. Time for everyone to truly move on.
I'm confused by Coach Schmidt's quote. If he's fed up and has moved on, why did he even bother re-submit an application?
Here's hoping coach Schmidt is successful whatever his reasons may be!
Wouldn't you be fed up if the AD and Principal said that they would call you back. On Tursday and it's now Tuesday of this week and he hasn't gotten a phone call back? That's the whole reason he resigned, the place is full of unprofessionalism and liars. Stay tuned for more lies and adjustments.
If I quit a job or retired I wouldn't expect a call back. Maybe he should have thought his decision through a little better? He had full run of that place. Don't pretend like he answered to anyone up there.

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