Four states say they won't take Syrian refugees.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
In an effort to preempt President Incapable, who wants 200,000 Syrians refugees to come to live in the United States, four states have said they won't take refugees. Texas, Michigan, Alabama, and Arkansas have said no. President Incapable could still do an executive order, but it's good to see that state leaders have the judgment and leadership that is necessary during times like these. The 98-lb. weakling just got weaker!
If Obama pulls an executive order to allow this to happen in these states, what more does anyone need to know he is not "not muslim"!!
If Obama pulls an executive order to allow this to happen in these states, what more does anyone need to know he is not "not muslim"!!
The list of states is now up to 17. Finally, real leadership in the USA. In more normal times, the 25th amendment could be used on obama. It would be great for the country. He is truly worthless. Watching him speak at the economic summit this morning in Turkey was very difficult. The guy has no confidence and takes 10 minutes to answer a question that could be answered in one minute.
But wait, didn't Obama go to that whitey hatin' Christian church for 20 years and listen to Rev. Wright? Did he convert to Muslim later? I don't understand.
Reluctant, the recent poll came out and 52 percent of the U.S. population feels "less safe" with Syrian refugees relocating here. If Obama tries to force another piece of his legacy down the collective U.S. throat, it will just prove he doesn't understand the country and their wants. I for one would err on the side of caution. Castro got rid of a lot of his head aches with the boat lift of the late seventies! It's a new world. You have to think like that now! Sorry but it ain't my fault!!

And Reverand Wright's preachings have become more militant and anti-USA in recent years! Look it up. That's how Obama got in trouble, because of his friendship with him, in the first place!
Yes, real leadership. Turning away thousands of needy people because of one possibly placed passport. Bad guys win again.
"possibly placed passport" - first of all, what are you trying to say? Second of all, and this shouldn't really need to be spelled out, the reason is that ISIL and other terrorist groups can easily infiltrate the refugees who come into this country. Did that occur to you?
NJ... I'm saying just because a blown up terrorist has a Syrian passport on him that doesn't mean he's from Syria. Bin Laden's goal was to bankrupt the US and look at us 14 years later.

As for easily infiltrating our country ... why haven't they? You don't think they'd rather be here then France?
And Paul, I don't feel safer or less safe due to refugees. And the Rev Wright was just to show NJ he can't have it both ways.
And Paul, I don't feel safer or less safe due to refugees. And the Rev Wright was just to show NJ he can't have it both ways.
Reluctant to Think, you need a straight jacket. Why was the Wright comment even made? Your imagination must be running wild.

Do you even know what happened over the past 2-3 days? The president of France, Hollande, vowed to pound ISIL into submission while obama basically bumbled and stumbled today in a Q&A session before a large audience. He couldn't articulate a definitive position on ISIL and almost sounded on the defensive at times. Very strange. It's getting ridiculous. Now, just imagine if it were Bush and he called them the JV team; think of how upset your feelings would be. But when it's obama, it's ok. Are your expectations of him really that low?
Reluctant, as Keith Jackson would say about Obama, "he's rumblin', bumblin, stumblin! Oh Nellie fumbuuuuull!!!!" He didn't look like or sound like a man who was too sure of himself! Leadership?? Come on!!
NJ... I'm saying just because a blown up terrorist has a Syrian passport on him that doesn't mean he's from Syria. Bin Laden's goal was to bankrupt the US and look at us 14 years later.

As for easily infiltrating our country ... why haven't they? You don't think they'd rather be here then France?
You have to broaden your thinking out. The point of not allowing Syrian refugees into the USA is not because one of the Paris terrorists came from Syria; it's because terrorists from anywhere in the middle east could be among the so-called refugees. The vetting process is terrible, no matter what obama tells you. In most cases, the databases are non-existent in countries like Syria and many others in the middle east.
So we had a public outpouring of help for Syrian people and now one passport and 17 states panic. That's leadership. All Republican run states. Did you notice who isn't on that list? The ones that got hit on 9/11.
So we had a public outpouring of help for Syrian people and now one passport and 17 states panic. That's leadership. All Republican run states. Did you notice who isn't on that list? The ones that got hit on 9/11.
Again, you are just too easy to argue against. It's not about the one Syrian passport; it's about muslim terrorists can infiltrate the refugees who come to the USA. Do you really want a Syria refugee living next to you? And without even fact checking, Colorado is on the list and their governor is a democrat. John Hickenlooper is from Narberth. There may be more states, but that is just one off the top. So, you are wrong once again, but don't let that stop you.
Give in to fear. That's what they want. I'll stick with the big boys.
"I'll stick with the big boys." - What the hell are you talking about? Who are your big boys? Do you realize what a minority you are in when it comes to letting in Syrian refugees. I would have thought that even you would see the reason to put a hold on this. But, nah, I'm really not surprised. Maybe you are jesting.
What big boys would that be? France? Russia?? Germany?? All considering closing their boulders until they can figure it out. And Governor Tom Wolfe (D) said he would have to be convinced of the vetting process, so he's not totally a believer!! If they win by us not letting any Muslim threats into the country, I can live with that. Their idealogy is hurting only one group of people. The refugees!! Sorry for their lose!!
No PA, NY and DC. I'm not a Rep, I don't live my life according to polls.

We've had 14 years to figure it out. People better start putting country before party.
No PA, NY and DC. I'm not a Rep, I don't live my life according to polls.

We've had 14 years to figure it out. People better start putting country before party.
Why are PA, NY, and DC the big boys? And do you really believe that Texas, Ohio, and Florida are not the "big boys"?

14 years to figure out what? That we should let people into this great country without having any idea of their motives or character? You live in a dream world. Liberal ideas don't work, especially during times of war.
PA, NY and DC are big boys because they were hit already and that didn't make them cower in a corner.

Like I said, country before party. You guys will never figure that out.
PA, NY and DC are big boys because they were hit already and that didn't make them cower in a corner.

Like I said, country before party. You guys will never figure that out.
We are far more patriotic that libs, by and large. I know several libs who still can't figure out what the big deal is about this country. And to come to the conclusion that it is cowering to selectively allow immigrants to enter the USA shows your lack of common sense. And Wolfe and Cuomo are not big boys; they are lightweights.
Reluctant, you really are too ideological. I will agree with you, to help people in distress is one of the things that make this country great! We are the most charitable country on the planet but when there is a true threat to the safety of the country, all bets are off. No "kumbaya" moment!

Big boys? Why, because they attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? How come Boston, Mass. doesn't fit your bill? You pick and choose to fit your argument. And I really don't think Pennsylvania should be on the list. Why? They weren't attacking a farm field. That plane was brought to the ground by some courageous passengers! It just so happened that it landed in Pa.! I wouldn't say that makes Pennsylvania a "Big Boy". But you go ahead and ignore the facts, just so it can fit your bedtime story!

Wolfe, a big boy? Say how did his his promise to tax the oil companies go? Oh, that should be for another thread. We'll call it the Big Boy thread!!
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Reluctant, you really are too ideological. I will agree with you, to help people in distress is one of the things that make this country great! We are the most charitable country on the planet but when there is a true threat to the safety of the country, all bets are off. No "kumbaya" moment!

Big boys? Why, because they attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? How come Boston, Mass. doesn't fit your bill? You pick and choose to fit your argument. And I really don't think Pennsylvania should be on the list. Why? They weren't attacking a farm field. That plane was brought to the ground by some courageous passengers! It just so happened that it landed in Pa.! I wouldn't say that makes Pennsylvania a "Big Boy". But you go ahead and ignore the facts, just so it can fit your bedtime story!

Wolfe, a big boy? Say how did his his promise to tax the oil companies go? Oh, that should be for another thread. We'll call it the Big Boy thread!!
Paul, stop introducing so many facts to the discussion. This is about feelings.
Obama puts the GOP whiners in their place:

At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn't seem so tough to me,"Obama said, referring to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's assertion that not even refugee children should be allowed into the United States.

Obama says he's open to ideas for enhancing the screening process but adds that's not what's happening in the political debate. He says the idea of only allowing Christian Syrians to enter runs contrary to American values, calling it "offensive."

He says rhetoric like that is a potential recruitment tool for the Islamic State group.

"I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that's been coming out of here during the course of this debate," he said.
He also said he was shocked that the GOP was scared of women and children coming into America. Didn't that little woman blow herself up last night? Didn't a bunch of terrorists get stopped posing as refugees in Germany last night? Didn't we have them contained just recently according to the President??

When will the liberals take their heads out of the sand and realize these aren't your father's terrorists!! These are the new and improved version, willing to use women and children as weapons. Tell me I'm wrong Delcofootballguy!! Or will you just ignore the facts like Hillary and Barack?
Fear is all the GOP has left. They don't have any policies that the majority of Americans are interested in. They are slowly buy surely becoming the minority in their own country and it scares them and you to death. I'm not going to start checking people's religions at the border to see if they can come in. Remember the plight of our Jewish friends when they were looking for safety and shelter from persecution. We also aren't just letting people in without vetting them thoroughly, sometimes taking up to 18 months to do so. The emergency refugee agency known as ARRP has never had somebody admitted through their program commit an act of terror. It is just lame GOP presidential candidates trying to score points by being xenophobic. When under Bush's watch 9/11 happened, I didn't rush out and try to score political points. I can see that sometimes no matter what you do to prepare shit happens. Whether he or Clinton could have done more is an argument for another time. Stop using women and children that are fearing for their lives as political pawns, it's unamerican.
Fear is all the GOP has left. They don't have any policies that the majority of Americans are interested in. They are slowly buy surely becoming the minority in their own country and it scares them and you to death. I'm not going to start checking people's religions at the border to see if they can come in. Remember the plight of our Jewish friends when they were looking for safety and shelter from persecution. We also aren't just letting people in without vetting them thoroughly, sometimes taking up to 18 months to do so. The emergency refugee agency known as ARRP has never had somebody admitted through their program commit an act of terror. It is just lame GOP presidential candidates trying to score points by being xenophobic. When under Bush's watch 9/11 happened, I didn't rush out and try to score political points. I can see that sometimes no matter what you do to prepare shit happens. Whether he or Clinton could have done more is an argument for another time. Stop using women and children that are fearing for their lives as political pawns, it's unamerican.

"They are slowly but surely becoming the minority in their own country...." I think they control Congress. That means that the US people voted, in the majority, for them. Now who is in the minority? Why does Obama have to chide the GOP? Couldn't there be a little time for everyone to take in what has happened and then review and move forward? Why must we accept the refugees right now, today?? I know your answer will be "Time is of the essence!" Well even some high ranking Democrats have said we need to pause. Boxer and Schumer come to mind. Are they "SCARED" too

And just so we're clear, who is going to pay for these widows and orphans?? I'm not ashamed to admit I got nothing left. After children, education, healthcare, taxes that never get to where they're supposed to go and charities, I'm tapped out. These people will need jobs, housing, clothing, food,.......... And we have homeless on the streets, veterans that the VA forgot about, more people on welfare and foodstamps then at any other time in the country's history, bridges and roads that need upkeep. Now I'll ask again, who is going to pay for them?? What is un-American about that argument. Shouldn't we take care of our own people with whatever monies there are before we go becoming the savior of the world once again!!
One word for why they control congress- Gerrymandering! There unfortunately is a rush for the people fearing for their lives. Unless you have been in that situation, I'm sure it is hard to understand. The issue of infrastructure and Veterans affairs can be traced back to cuts in social spending by the GOP congress. There are charities in place and social services in place to help these refugees. It's amazing to me that the GOP spouts on this christian rhetoric but when it comes time to act they cut and run and say it's too dangerous. The Republicans speak out of both sides of their mouths. I would much rather side with a political party with heart and doesn't judge others based on their religious beliefs.
Gerrymandering (which is NOT solely done by the GOP) might take care of the House, but Gerrymandering doesn't answer why the GOP controls the Senate. Name the charities and social services that will be able to handle the influx of refugees? Christian rhetoric?? You spout a belief in Jesus Christ and yet abortion is the law of the land. On that point the liberals speak out of both sides, invoking Christian tolerance on one hand yet backing abortion in the other. Infrastructure and the VA issues are due to social spending cuts by the GOP? Neither of those issue are about "Social spending cuts". The VA is a department run by the Government, nothing social about it. And how is infrastructure an issue of social spending? Look, my point all along has been just because I don't agree with the President on this issue, he's gotta call me and everyone else who disagrees with him a coward. Why can't I just disagree with him and leave it at that. I didn't vote for him so that makes me a racist? How do you feel about Ben Carson? If you don't vote for him, does that make you a racist, or do you just not agree with his ideas? Can't have it both ways. Obama has been a major reason this country is so divided.
I'm not religious at all and I believe in what our Founding Fathers believed, separation of church and state. Men should never tell women what to do with their bodies, and guess what that is never going to change, get over it it's not going to change. The VA and Infrastructure are being cut by the GOP controlled congress was my point. Obama has gone out of his way to try and include the GOP on his decisions and always been told to screw off!! He's entitled to go off now that he's near the end of his term. The GOP deserve it. He's the reason the country is divided? He's a Muslim, he's not born in America, he hates America, he won't wear a flag pin... the list is endless, please that is the most ludicrous thing you have written to date. Sorry maybe not you but there are many in your party who hate him because he's black. I don't like Carson because he's off his rocker, proves that race shouldn't matter when the criticism is legitimate.
I'm not religious at all and I believe in what our Founding Fathers believed, separation of church and state. Men should never tell women what to do with their bodies, and guess what that is never going to change, get over it it's not going to change. The VA and Infrastructure are being cut by the GOP controlled congress was my point. Obama has gone out of his way to try and include the GOP on his decisions and always been told to screw off!! He's entitled to go off now that he's near the end of his term. The GOP deserve it. He's the reason the country is divided? He's a Muslim, he's not born in America, he hates America, he won't wear a flag pin... the list is endless, please that is the most ludicrous thing you have written to date. Sorry maybe not you but there are many in your party who hate him because he's black. I don't like Carson because he's off his rocker, proves that race shouldn't matter when the criticism is legitimate.

Never said I was for or against abortion. Just made the point that the Dems speak out of both sides of their mouth. Never said Obama was a Muslim or that he wasn't born in the states. The VA budget is not social spending nor is it being cut. It is under review for mismanagement or have you been on the dark side of the moon the last four years? By an Obama appointee no less! You, I guess, think I'm a racist yet you can dislike Carson on the grounds you think he's off his rocker! Funny, I think you should practice what you preach!!
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Paul, do you think the VA budget and most other problems have only been around the last 7-8 years?
Q: Can you be racist because you don't like crazy people?
Paul, do you think the VA budget and most other problems have only been around the last 7-8 years?
Q: Can you be racist because you don't like crazy people?

".......and most other problems......"? Most other problems have been around for a lot longer! Crazy is not a race but I can discriminate against crazy.
Obama puts the GOP whiners in their place:

At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn't seem so tough to me,"Obama said, referring to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's assertion that not even refugee children should be allowed into the United States.

Obama says he's open to ideas for enhancing the screening process but adds that's not what's happening in the political debate. He says the idea of only allowing Christian Syrians to enter runs contrary to American values, calling it "offensive."

He says rhetoric like that is a potential recruitment tool for the Islamic State group.

"I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that's been coming out of here during the course of this debate," he said.
That is typical obama to mislead small-minded people like you. The GOP was never scared of the press; they were alarmed at the behavior of the CNBC crew, which was a true group of lightweights. I watch CNBC every day, and Becky Quick and Carl Quitinilla are true lightweights. Both lucky to be working in financial media; should be covering the news is a small town like Bismarck. Add almost nothing to the financial viewer. Absolute true lightweights. And John Harwood is so anti-GOP that he never should have been allowed on the panel.

obama says he is open to ideas; that's great to say for the low-information citizens like you, but it's up to him to do what it takes to make sure the vetting is done properly. Of course, he can't manage anything except a political campaign, so this surely won't come from him.
"They are slowly but surely becoming the minority in their own country...." I think they control Congress. That means that the US people voted, in the majority, for them. Now who is in the minority? Why does Obama have to chide the GOP? Couldn't there be a little time for everyone to take in what has happened and then review and move forward? Why must we accept the refugees right now, today?? I know your answer will be "Time is of the essence!" Well even some high ranking Democrats have said we need to pause. Boxer and Schumer come to mind. Are they "SCARED" too

And just so we're clear, who is going to pay for these widows and orphans?? I'm not ashamed to admit I got nothing left. After children, education, healthcare, taxes that never get to where they're supposed to go and charities, I'm tapped out. These people will need jobs, housing, clothing, food,.......... And we have homeless on the streets, veterans that the VA forgot about, more people on welfare and foodstamps then at any other time in the country's history, bridges and roads that need upkeep. Now I'll ask again, who is going to pay for them?? What is un-American about that argument. Shouldn't we take care of our own people with whatever monies there are before we go becoming the savior of the world once again!!
Because obama is a political scumbag. He will do anything for a political advantage.
I'm not religious at all and I believe in what our Founding Fathers believed, separation of church and state. Men should never tell women what to do with their bodies, and guess what that is never going to change, get over it it's not going to change. The VA and Infrastructure are being cut by the GOP controlled congress was my point. Obama has gone out of his way to try and include the GOP on his decisions and always been told to screw off!! He's entitled to go off now that he's near the end of his term. The GOP deserve it. He's the reason the country is divided? He's a Muslim, he's not born in America, he hates America, he won't wear a flag pin... the list is endless, please that is the most ludicrous thing you have written to date. Sorry maybe not you but there are many in your party who hate him because he's black. I don't like Carson because he's off his rocker, proves that race shouldn't matter when the criticism is legitimate.
Did he pass obamacare on reconciliation? Big policy changes don't get passed on reconciliation, yet this scumbag didn't care what Republicans thought. So, on his biggest "success" story, he worked completely without the GOP. Your political knowledge is lacking; the word compromise is used for low-information voters; it's kind of like Santa Claus. The way politics works is that you get into office and you enact your agenda; this happens with both parties, but you seemed to miss that memo, and many others.
That is typical obama to mislead small-minded people like you. The GOP was never scared of the press; they were alarmed at the behavior of the CNBC crew, which was a true group of lightweights. I watch CNBC every day, and Becky Quick and Carl Quitinilla are true lightweights. Both lucky to be working in financial media; should be covering the news is a small town like Bismarck. Add almost nothing to the financial viewer. Absolute true lightweights. And John Harwood is so anti-GOP that he never should have been allowed on the panel.

obama says he is open to ideas; that's great to say for the low-information citizens like you, but it's up to him to do what it takes to make sure the vetting is done properly. Of course, he can't manage anything except a political campaign, so this surely won't come from him.

Delco, NJ is right about the press. The candidates weren't scared of the press. The questions the press were asking were really quite stupid. "Mr. Trump, Governor Bush has said you don't know sh!t. What do you have to say to him?" Confrontational questions to get a rise out of them for ratings. I don't think a true issue was brought up in the first debate. And in that first debate, you can't deny they hovered over Trump, Carson and Bush and basically neglected the other candidates. Obama is a community organizer, nothing more, playing to uninformed followers. There should be a test for voters. For example, if you don't pay taxes, you don't vote. I have three children of voting age in college. They don't know what taxes are. But they hear Obama, Hillary and Bernie Sanders say "Get your free stuff here" and they think it's a great idea, not having any idea who's going to pay for it. They represent a big part of the democratic students!!
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NJ is an ass, when he gets involved in threads I exit stage left. So full of himself and will be crying the blues for the next 8 years while Hilary runs the country. Disagree with Paul but at least he is not an ass.