Roxy, after the jobs report this morning, I was prepared for a rough day, but somehow the market turned around. Based on earnings and rates, I don't think the market is getting ahead of itself. There could be a small pullback at any time, but the peak is not near, at least not in the next 4-6 months, based on some key indicators, including the advance/decline line of operating companies (excluding ETF's, John Nuveen open end funds, etc.).
There is the chance that the size of the Alibaba offering will pull money out of some stocks (Amazon could be a candidate), but, as long as third quarter earnings are good, things should continue upward.
The difference between now and 1999 is that the tech IPO's are profitable companies. Alibaba is much further along than Facebook and Twitter at the time of their IPO's. In round numbers, Alibaba has $8 billion in sales and almost $4 billion in net profits. And it's growing fast. I was able to get shares through SharesPost back in April for $55. Let me know if you want me to check on whether they still have any.
This post was edited on 9/7 12:08 AM by njfan47