So is this culture war


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
still worth backing Donny the Dummy. The constant lies, bad policies, tweets, attacking allies, tariffs, kids in cages, Russian connections, rising national debt, stupid signs on a jacket, racism, name calling, whomp whomp calls by aides, alternative facts, wall building, space force, the Mooch, a total investigation of the campaign . Are we done yet?
I think instead of publicly backing Trump, many have just gone silent from embarrassment. The great deal maker hasn't made a single deal. Companies where Trump just 18 months ago gave photo ops are leaving the US due to tariffs. The working man is slowly figuring out their tiny tax break doesn't come close to what's coming out of their pocket in every other way. Then there's the racism, the lies. Why are we paying for Trump to go these "love me daddy" campaign rallies? Do the Vets for Trump really want to end "war games" so we can afford a Trump military parade? Was letting Trump disparage all POWs really worth that SCOTUS seat? Really?

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