Your thoughts?!

paul from philly

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2010
Here's just one little example of how Obama is a socialist a$$hole. In his SOTU address, he put out there his plan to tax 529 plans which are savings plans for people who want to send their kids to college. These plans were set up solely as tax free college savings plans for people and their families. Mind you this is "already taxed" monies that responsible people, people who hold their children's future with the utmost respect, put away for their children's education. Now Barry wants to redistribute the wealth to the lazy, do nothing "where's my handout" scumbags that make up a major part of the democratic base. Pisses me off to no end what this guy tries to get away with. Yet I guess I'm a racist for not going along with him!!
OK PFP here is where we do agree I am not a fan of taxing 529 plans bad idea leave them alone. And not all Democrats are about handouts talk about an over generalization
Sammy, I said "Democratic Base", the guys that just keep coming back and pulling the Democratic lever no matter what. If you don't agree with handouts, I wouldn't consider you part of Obama's "base".
The Democrap base...

If you vote Democrap you favor handouts because that is what they do....ALWAYS! They may justify it by taxing the rich or any other pile of horseshit they can come up with, but almost all Dems are class envy redistributionists who believe that they are entitled to someone else's $ and never get enough.

Taxes are high enough for EVERYONE.
Re: The Democrap base...

and if you. It's republican you are against women's rights voting rights are a bible thumper jag off pro rich Rush Limbaugh goof who has already read God guns grits and gravy.
Re: The Democrap base...

As a republican, (and I believe most republicans) I just want to be left alone to fend for myself.

As a Dem, for the most part you WANT something. Your base is either entitlement addicts, government /union workers or dimwits that can't tell me how much snow we will get Saturday, but know that the world will end in the next 50 years (Yes, again!) if they do not put an exorbitant tax on utilities.

We are not against woman, just the killing of babies. Yes, everyone should have to show ID to vote. You literally can't take a shit in society today without ID, so why not to vote?? Obviously, because the Dems cheat and always have! Huckabee's book I guaran f'ng tee would be a better read than basically all the lib books that want to make you slit your wrists!

As far as Limbaugh, your class envy is evident yet again. Rich he is! Worth 400 million dollars! And Sam, he makes 70 million per year (and Sam, he pays about 35 million of it in taxes-not enough I'm sure!).....With NO COLLEGE DEGREE.....While You've been pissing and moaning on here for ten years waiting for things to change, so who is the goof?
Oh, Sammy is definitely part of obama's base. There is no mistaking that, Paul. He might try to argue to the contrary, but don't let him fool you.
No just not a fan of mouth breathers like some of you. And Limbaugh is an idiot feeding off idiots just like Al Sharpton. Tell you what go on down to the union hall in Philly and say what you just said there is one down by my old coast guard base in Philly have fun with that chief. So against abortion but are you for the death penalty? What is the difference ? You right wing bible thumpers or "Christians" will say all life that God has made is good right so how contradtive is that oh and don't give me some Old Testament verse either. Voter ID how much voting fraud is there going on I mean really how about very little even Fox News is off that wagon. And republicans want to left alon really just when it come to money but they will have zero problems getting into morals or their morals in politics once again hypocrites. And FB where were you when I was in Philly this summer you somehow disappeared I mean would have even bought you a beer but you were a no show typical

This post was edited on 1/22 10:50 PM by sammyk

This post was edited on 1/22 10:51 PM by sammyk
Sammy, how is it that Limbaugh always sneaks into your posts? Does he live rent-free in your head!?
Sammy, you are all over the map, take a breath. A Union threat? Come on, everyone and their mother knows pensions are out of control. If you don't agree, then you're lost!! Abortion is the law of the land, move on and don't muddy the waters. Just one thing, there is a huge difference between abortion and the death penalty but if you don't see that, well I can't help you. Voter ID? You need an ID to buy cigs, beer, get in to movies, drive a car, get on a plane!! Why not when you are about to perform the most important act a citizen can do. For some reason, democrats think it is soooo hard to get a photo ID. It is extremely hard to get one in one week as seems the norm for some inner city people. Why not get your ID now before the rush around election time? I'm tired of political correctness!! Call a spade a spade. Sammy you are part of Obama's base and I feel sorry for you.

One more thing about taxes and the Democrats. Here in Pennsy, the new governor is stopping an IRS filing norm that has been around for a while. It used to be you could direct 10% of your tax return to a non-profit organization of your choice. Well Governor Wolfe is about to stop that because he wants government to have all the money to distribute. He doesn't think the normal citizen has enough intelligence to make that decision.
Maybe next time!...

Sorry Sam I couldn't make it. I was busy WORKING trying to pay off the $400, 000.00 I spent on my kids education. Oh, and lets not forget my UN guaranteed retirement that I am struggling to fund.

Anyone who thinks that the "producers" of society are not paying enough to government are stupid jerk offs who basically have never run anything or made payroll! Oh wait.....that's our President!
Re: Maybe next time!...

Oh I just thought it was because you were a blowhard who did not have the guts to speak in person my mistake. WOW $400,000 for an education all of my kids will graduate from college and I will pay 1/2 that with the scholarships they got and all oh and they went to public schools imagine that. Take it easy tea guy And PFP I get into the movies and buy beer and cigars and do not have to flash my ID where are you buying your stuff at????? And sorry life is life and death is death plain and simple. I know this is a republican circle jerk message board and that is ok and call me Obama base whatever like I said I am a moderate and think there is room for progress.I have already stated how i feel about pensions pay me what the average college grad makes and I will give it up no problem, heck I will work for 30+ years and get substandard pay help other peoples kids while not spending time with my own and I will get a pension for that and it is not 100% . I am a state employee I provide a service, I help kids graduate and prepare them for life after 18, Do teachers make too much not in my neck of the woods but we also are behind PA as far as education goes do you think there is a reason for that? If you do not like it move come down here or run for political office But you PFP seem to be the most reasonable of the crew so I enjoy our debates but the other jerks could use a smack in the chops.

This post was edited on 1/23 10:08 AM by sammyk
It's called AID....

You got AID Sam, not scholarships....and the "producers" paid full boat to subsidize you. That's ok, just tell it like it is and be thankful.

My kids both got 2200 on the SATs. Did your "scholarship" recipients get that? I thought not. We got what we paid for as they are on their way to making a ton of money....I guess they will be the subsidizers of the next generation of Obamabots.

Mr. Tea
Re: It's called AID....

Academic Scholarships thank you On kid is on his way to be a dentist so yea one is an engineer for a Natural Gas company, the other is in school earning a business degree, all went to public schools all are/went to state universities so you may now go away Tea bagger and next time i am in town don't be a stranger 1st round is on me. What are you going to tell me next your kids have cured cancer or something because you spent a gazillion dollars on private school HAHAHAHA

This post was edited on 1/23 11:03 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 1/23 11:11 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 1/23 11:15 AM by sammyk
Re: It's called AID....

State schools = NO academic scholarships! It's called AID Sambo
Re: It's called AID....

Boy you know little of nc state schools FB is on the ropes let the countdown begin maybe his private school genius kids can save him one. Two. Three