Who does this look like


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
Ronald Reagan was deemed as one of our best presidents in the past 40 years and I tend to agree with that but here are a few things that our friends on the "Republican side seem to forget.

Under Reagan

Raised taxes 7 out of 8 years in office
Unemployment started out at 7.5% when he entered and ended up around 5.3% when he left maxing out around 11%
Raised the Debt ceiling 18 times
Tripled the National debt
Gave amnesty to over 3 million undocumented immigrants
Increased big Government

HMMM Looks so like what has gone on the past 6 years
He doesn't look like Reagan. Reagan was white! you libs are even trying to sneak a black in as James Bond.......
Sammy, you forgot to list two things:

1. the vastly different rate of growth of the economy under Reagan
2. the substantially larger (vs. GDP) amount of debt under obama

Sammy, even the democratic commentators are opining that obama's deal with Cuba was out of desperation; even a narcissist like obama knows that his legacy is looking empty. He has to reach in order to try to get anything done that will provide some sort of positive legacy. Unfortunately, Cuba was another case of poor judgment.

The absolute disappearance of all liberals on this board, except you, is a great indicator or how badly the guy has failed. Those were fun days!

And if the market correction turns into a bear market (I am not sure that it will; it's too early to tell), his last two years are going to be even uglier than anticipated.

Sammy, maybe you can come back next week and tell us how obama has single-handedly lead the oil and gas revolution in the USA!!
I think everyone has left this board but just posting facts and the 1980's under Reagan looks very much like the time under Obama. , I am not making excuses giving praise or anything like that, just posting facts, it is funny that you make that jump and post things that you think I am going to say in fact it is comical. Fact is you can compare the unemployment rate and the U6 rate of Obama and Reagan and they are almost identical, also other than trickle down economics many of the actions are very similar between the two so glad I could rile you up. Oh and I am not a liberal find one of my posts where I have said anything great about Obama guess what you will not find any you Tea Baggers are like a bee hive poke it with a stick and they get all mad are you that starved for confrontation? Anyway my views are not "liberal" I have some progressive views but most are pretty moderate, I own guns, I want to see real immigration reform, I have zero problem bombing Iran or anywhere in the middle east, would like to see North Korea removed from the face of the earth, would like to see isis destroyed down to the last man woman and child, pro death penalty, pro cops, pro military(server 4 years).
Originally posted by sammyk:
I think everyone has left this board but just posting facts and the 1980's under Reagan looks very much like the time under Obama. , I am not making excuses giving praise or anything like that, just posting facts, it is funny that you make that jump and post things that you think I am going to say in fact it is comical. Fact is you can compare the unemployment rate and the U6 rate of Obama and Reagan and they are almost identical, also other than trickle down economics many of the actions are very similar between the two so glad I could rile you up. Oh and I am not a liberal find one of my posts where I have said anything great about Obama guess what you will not find any you Tea Baggers are like a bee hive poke it with a stick and they get all mad are you that starved for confrontation? Anyway my views are not "liberal" I have some progressive views but most are pretty moderate, I own guns, I want to see real immigration reform, I have zero problem bombing Iran or anywhere in the middle east, would like to see North Korea removed from the face of the earth, would like to see isis destroyed down to the last man woman and child, pro death penalty, pro cops, pro military(server 4 years).
Sammy, you voted for obama, right?

Yes, you are posting facts, but you are forgetting the poor GDP growth under obama and also the amount of debt. And, I didn't even mention the artificially low rates and the resultant growth of just 2-3%. And, why have rates had to be so low for so long?

You didn't rile me up Sammy. Don't give yourself too much credit. All is well here. 75 and sunny and lots of content conservatives here in Naples! And it's unfortunate that you resort to the teabagger comment. It's low class and you should be above that.

Good points at the end. The problem is that obama doesn't share those views. I am watching him mumble on about the French tragedy right now. It is just a sad case of a great country with an extremely weak and incapable leader.
Voted for Obama no not in the primary first time yes second time did not vote because neither candidate was vote worthy. Would have voted for McCain if he did not bring on board Sarah Palin. I am not a straight ticked voter and I would like to to see a third party created that was for the middle view voters which is the majority of America. I am not a tree hugger NAACP supporting left wing liberal, but I am also not a bible thumping trickle down rich loving hypocrite extreme right winger either. I think that both sides have valid points and good idea my confusion is why we do not use all of them.
So, the answer is yes, you voted for him the first time. So you are partly responsible for the obama malaise that now exists.

Deciding not to vote in a Romney vs. obama election is something I just can't understand. Romney's skill level is orders of magnitude above what obama could ever even hope to have. And it's hard to believe that you would have voted for McCain, but not for Romney. Something sounds funny here, Sammy.

I think that, based on your descriptions of people, you are putting Republican voters in categories that are way too broad. Sounds like you have been listening to the democratic party characterizations of Republicans.
Come on Romney could not. It's for richey rich and I do not believe he is that Greg. McCain is a war veteran and had some issues I agreed with. Romney with his I bet you $10000 thing made me want to puke. Damn i phone anyway what I meant to say is that I could not vote for richey rich anyway looks like the unemployment rate dropped even further and auto sales are up small business is doing better uh oh the GOP is in the works with Asia on a trade agreement that figures

This post was edited on 1/8 1:00 PM by sammyk
Sammy, it is apparent that you pretty much parrot what the leftwing media puts out there. Romney is a businessman who would have thrived as president. He would have been able to create jobs and get the country moving, instead of the OBAMA MALAISE ® that we have today. I had a brother who though the same way as you did Sammy. He just couldn't understand or believe that Romney would create jobs; it was beyond his comprehension because his TV told him that so many times. He is still struggling, unfortunately.

You just have to be careful with these statements Sammy because you really need to know what is behind some of the "positive news" that you are hearing. Car sales are up because too many people are taking out loans that average six and seven years.

You probably would have touted the high rate of home ownership under Clinton. Unfortunately, as many people (but still not some liberals) would find out later, the standards were lowered to such an extent that millions of people defaulted on those loans 4-5 years later.

Liberalism doesn't work over the long-term Sammy. Look no further than Europe and the massive unwind that is going on there now. It is nothing more than the effects of five decades of liberalism, and the failure thereof.
Looks like jobs were created anyway and with out silver spoon Romney. Liberalism does not work ok but neither does slash and cut cut cut just look at Kansas. Looks like you are set in your ways and that is fine I deal with straight ticked voters often but I like to have an open mind and not buy into the Mike Huckabee or Rush Limbaugh noise. Bottom line is things are better than they were 6 years ago, manufacturing, stock market, unemployment, in fact I find it funny how when you point out how some things are improved you and some of the TEA BAGGERS poke holes in it and claim the sky is falling, it is comical. Even I can point out what Bush/Reagan/Clinton did right but once again I am not a straight ticket guy Mike Huckabee/Rush Limbaugh follower.
Originally posted by sammyk:
Looks like jobs were created anyway and with out silver spoon Romney. Liberalism does not work ok but neither does slash and cut cut cut just look at Kansas. Looks like you are set in your ways and that is fine I deal with straight ticked voters often but I like to have an open mind and not buy into the Mike Huckabee or Rush Limbaugh noise. Bottom line is things are better than they were 6 years ago, manufacturing, stock market, unemployment, in fact I find it funny how when you point out how some things are improved you and some of the TEA BAGGERS poke holes in it and claim the sky is falling, it is comical. Even I can point out what Bush/Reagan/Clinton did right but once again I am not a straight ticket guy Mike Huckabee/Rush Limbaugh follower.
Silver Spoon Romney? Silver spoon refers to people who are born into wealth and don't do much afterward. Romney doesn't fit that description, unless you haven't followed him too closely.

I am set in my ways? No, I look at what works and what doesn't work and it's pretty obvious that liberalism fails. It is good to see that you agree. Yes, things are better than they were six years ago, but it is due to all the debt that obama has taken on, quantitative easing (artificially low interest rates), and oil drilling revolution in the USA. So, the contributions to today's conditions are due to artificial stimulus and drilling, which the democrats hate.

And the only reason that things fell apart in the first place is due to the unwind of the Clinton Housing Debacle ®. Too many people owning houses that they couldn't afford once rates kicked up. Again, terrible liberal policy, but Clinton was long gone, leaving some simple-minded people to blame Bush.

Show me where and when I said the sky is falling.

Your comparison between Reagan and obama is especially ironic in light of the fact that Reagan reduced the long-term threat of Russia (until obama came along and Putin saw a weakling in the White House) while obama sits by and watches Iran develop a nuclear weapon. Maybe you should give a little thought to the long-term implications of this event, instead of getting caught up in the short-term economic statistics, of which you only look at the result and not the cause.
Ok Romney was born into wealth and for Christ sake did not work and still made 13 million dollars any way richey rich and has zero concept of working class. And things are not better because of debt like I said Reagan created more debt than any president before him and gave a nice tax break for rich people come on now. So all of this has nothing to do with any Republican input, really So this is all Clinton and Obama fault HAHAHAHA ok better hurry Rush is about to come on. And drilling who hates that my family were coal miners and they were all Democrats as were most of the coal miners and steel workers in Western PA. Now they are Republicans because they blame Obama for the demise of the coal industry where they fail to realize is that coal was on the decline for decades and they should have cleaned that stuff up now natural gas is cleaner and efficient and that is what is killing coal. I am a pro Natural gas you just have to accept that places without a fault line may start having earthquakes but overall I say a good move. So like I said you keep hitting me with liberalism this and that I am for progress but like I said I am not some tree huger and from your responses you unwilling to look at anything non republican are you a tea bagger i bet you are a Ted Cruz tea bagger And that is sad and that means there is no rationalizing with you and that is too bad. I have never defended Obama do i think he is a great president NO but things are better but wait i am sure you will tell me how they will be worse or how a republican can do them better

This post was edited on 1/9 11:36 AM by sammyk

This post was edited on 1/9 11:40 AM by sammyk
Your lack of understanding of how the economy, corporations, and stock markets work is staggering. Romney "did not work and still made 13 million dollars"? How did he make $13 million, Sammy? Should there be a law against someone making a lot of money and then investing it to receive dividend income? Or should the money go to obama for redistribution?

Sammy, let's get the numbers straight. Reagan created $2 trillion in debt in 8 years vs. obama creating $8 trillion in less than 6 years. And Reagan got far better results. And a tax break for the rich? #1, money from tax breaks often goes back into the economy in terms of purchases; #2, the richest 1% pay something like 40% of the income taxes in the USA.

So, just because coal was on the decline was a reason for obama to come in and bankrupt it? It is good to hear that you are pro-natural gas. obama and the clueless left think solar and wind are the answers!

It is strange that you think you know me so well from a computer screen. No, I am not a fan of Ted Cruz. And it's called the Tea Party, Sammy; have some class. Don't be like obama, who also used the tea bagger term. Amazingly immature behavior for a president.

For sure, a Republican would have done better than obama. The point is that the OBAMA MALAISE ® has had an effect on the economy, from obamacare to his lack of understanding of business to heavy regulation. Sammy, we should have been growing at a 5% or better rate for so many years. And creating 400,000+ jobs instead of 250,000, which is not considered good on a relative basis.

So, just what was it that caused you to vote for Obama?
This post was edited on 1/11 8:40 PM by njfan47
Sammy, no reply to this?

I know that you aren't just going to walk away. If you do, just don't bring up the Reagan/obama debt/economy issue again. If you don't refute the points made above (with facts by the way), it's senseless to bring up the issue down the road.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Walk away from what? The similarities between the two, sorry they are there also your boy Mitt is running again Oh Joy but anyway here is something else I have seem to find

Mitt Romney stated during his election that if he were elected unemployment would be at 6% in four years well it is at 5.6% in two hmmmm
Santorum said if he were elected the GDP would be at 5% in 4 years well it is that 2 years later HMMMMMM
Perry said if he were elected gas prices would be lowered withing 3 years hey they are lower in 2 HMMMMMMMMM

Can not wait for the Republican Primary it will be a gas with Mitt, Bush, the joker from New Jersey, Ted Cruz and that Huckabee who is a total ass it will be great so I am glad that Obama did all of those things that the presidential hopeful republicans said they would do and it happened faster hahahaha. No I am serious Huckabee and Cruz will be the best must see TV ever that is your Tea Bag party
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Sammy, everything you say is true. Without question. The only thing that's up for grabs is how did we get here. The jobs are back but at what level. Are they well paying jobs, part time jobs, jobs with bennies,.. etc? Now you have to remember that nothing got through Congress in the last few years. We all agree to that. So how did what Obama do help the economy? I said it earlier and I firmly believe that it was the US economy itself that got us to where we are. And maybe, just maybe, if a "Tea Bagger" as you call them were in charge, the economy might be even stronger. And the gas prices being down? Obama had nothing to do with that. It was over production by the industry. Well watch all of the rigs and drilling sights go quiet with over production. Jobs being cut because the bottom dropped out. You're not here in Pennsy, but the guy who was just elected governor said he will tax the gas companies to support infrastructure and education. Good luck with that since all the gas companies will shut down because of over production. So how will he pay for all his improvements? Tax the people!!

All of the improvements over the last year had nothing to do with Obama or the GOP!! It was the US economy being what it is.......the best!
This post was edited on 1/16 2:07 PM by paul from philly
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Ouch your pride and you are right everything that is good is not all Obamas fails just like all that is bad is not his fault either hey have a nice weekend tea bag guy

This post was edited on 1/16 3:31 PM by sammyk
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Great points Paul. Unfortunately, Sammy does not understand any of this. For me to enter into a debate with him was foolish on my part. He is only capable of looking at the result without any consideration of how we got there.

As if obama had anything to do with drilling. This is the problem with much of the electorate today. And they are actually the frustrated ones. Ours are not complaints as much as they are honest critiques of failed politicians and failed liberal policies, including but not limited to open borders, excessive regulation, high taxes, healthcare takeovers, etc.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Liberal policies hahaha you guys crack me up well conservative policies seem to have gummed up the works as well just look at your messiah Ronald Reagan trifle down economics did not work that well and I amd sure your boy Ted Cruz radical right wing crazy town policies will not work either. Mitt Romney really , he said he was going to help the economy in four years what has happened in two, must not be that great of a economist if his policies would have taken 2 extra years to accomplish. And yes the U.S. economy is clicking that is funny despite the so called bumbling and stumbling of Obama yea right he must the the luckiest person ever he should buy a lottery ticket. Drilling was going to happen regardless they were talking about it back in 1998 when I left Greene County PA where natural gas is huge funny thing is the place is still a dump and there are still a ton of poor people
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Originally posted by sammyk:
Liberal policies hahaha you guys crack me up well conservative policies seem to have gummed up the works as well just look at your messiah Ronald Reagan trifle down economics did not work that well and I amd sure your boy Ted Cruz radical right wing crazy town policies will not work either. Mitt Romney really , he said he was going to help the economy in four years what has happened in two, must not be that great of a economist if his policies would have taken 2 extra years to accomplish. And yes the U.S. economy is clicking that is funny despite the so called bumbling and stumbling of Obama yea right he must the the luckiest person ever he should buy a lottery ticket. Drilling was going to happen regardless they were talking about it back in 1998 when I left Greene County PA where natural gas is huge funny thing is the place is still a dump and there are still a ton of poor people
Sammy, don't you get it, the economy came back from a massive housing correction started by Bill Clinton (bad liberal policy), came back just as obama was taking office (luck of the draw), and recovered as obama had deficit spending of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in five of his first six years. Do you understand that the economy is going to grow at a decent clip when the Fed is pumping $85 billion per month into the markets? Do you even understand why they would do this? Because it has the effect of keeping interest rates artificially low and, accordingly, mortgage rates artificially low. This juices the economy, but it is much different than giving companies the ability to grow generically. In fact, the artificial stimulus was necessary only because of obama's negatative impact on the economy through obamacare, excess regulation, and general lack of confidence in an incapable president.

Another area of concern right now is the 7+ year auto loans, another program pushed by obama, so people can own a new car. Why do they need a new car; can't they drive a beater, if necessary? The default rate on auto loads is likely to be high in about 2-3 years.

Additionally, much of the growth in the economy over the past 3-4 years has been due to fracking, a concept which is vehemently opposed by the left, including obama. Even you could see that it is not exactly a natural fit for obama to take credit for the sharp increase in our oil production from 5 million barrels daily to over 9 million barrels daily. If the dems could have stopped it, they would have done so. The growth has come from fracking on private land.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

NJ can't you see that the majority of our debt started with Reagan and failed trickle down economics and his spending and debt . Added to by that with GW and his 2 wars that continued the ball rolling down the wrong path. You see how easy that was do you so much of the economic growth is due to fracking ok so like I said if you are ok with earthquakes in your area then fracking is ok for you. I really am ok with fracking but just like the coal mines who I have zero sympathy for they will leave many communities broken run down and dumb. Just like Greene county PA Now are you going to tell me that the Keystone pipeline will create a bazillion jobs too, so everything that is wrong are all democratic policies really well I can see that ole Rush Limbaugh must be on.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Originally posted by sammyk:
NJ can't you see that the majority of our debt started with Reagan and failed trickle down economics and his spending and debt . Added to by that with GW and his 2 wars that continued the ball rolling down the wrong path. You see how easy that was do you so much of the economic growth is due to fracking ok so like I said if you are ok with earthquakes in your area then fracking is ok for you. I really am ok with fracking but just like the coal mines who I have zero sympathy for they will leave many communities broken run down and dumb. Just like Greene county PA Now are you going to tell me that the Keystone pipeline will create a bazillion jobs too, so everything that is wrong are all democratic policies really well I can see that ole Rush Limbaugh must be on.
Sammy, your statement is misleading: "the majority of our debt started with Reagan..." It is a fact that Reagan's debt was less than $2 trillion (over 8 years) while obama's is ~ $6 trillion (in 6 years). So, is it more important where the debt started (Reagan had to take on some amount of debt, but not a huge amount vs. GDP after the poor presidencies of Carter - worst president ever, but obama coming up on Carter's heels pretty quickly - and Nixon), or the amount of debt? You would admit that $6 trillion is more than $2 trillion, wouldn't you Sammy?

As far as trickle down economics, there is no doubt that it works; it just isn't going to work for all, nor is it going to work equally and fairly for all people. Some people work harder, some people get some breaks; you cannot guarantee equal outcomes, only equal opportunities. Different people will do different things with opportunities. Please demonstrate with facts that trickle down doesn't work. I will demonstrate to you that it does: a salesperson has a good month, gets a good bonus or commission, takes his family or a large party of relatives to a nice restaurant, spends $500 and leaves a 20% tip, maybe more for a waiter/waitress who works hard and provides great service. The restaurant benefits, as do the employees. The waiter makes $100 just on that one table, much more on a total basis on the several tables he/she has that night. Maybe after a great year of hard work (our favorite waiter works seven days a week during the winter months), the waiter can afford a nice car, which supports the auto industry, which supports the auto parts industry, which supports the suppliers to the auto parts industry. I think you can understand this, but only if you decide not to believe liberal, talking-head, conventional wisdom that wants you to believe otherwise.

Bush's decision on the two wars was terrible. But I would like to hear your argument about how it hurt the economy. Clinton's housing policy was what lead to the recession in 2008, not two wars. But again, I would like to hear your argument as to the cause and effect here. In your argument, you skip from Reagan's terrible policies to Bush's two wars and want me to believe that this is what got the "ball rolling down the wrong path." Thanks for giving me a some laughs. Convenient that you skip right over Clinton, yet you expect us to believe that you are not really that liberal!!

Sammy, your anti-fracking argument directly opposes the positive economic growth you have been bragging about so frequently. Without fracking, the unemployment rate would be much higher and economic growth rates would be much lower. There is trickle down in oil too, Sammy, but you might not be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. As fracking increases, supply goes up and the price goes down, which makes the cost of production lower, which makes items cheaper, which gives you and me more purchasing power, which leads to foreign companies locating their businesses here (Lyondell Basel as just one example) which gives more Americans jobs, which again leads to the trickle down effects, which someone has told you is pure fiction! Don't believe the talking heads Sammy!
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Sammy, NJ is right. How can you possibly talk about our financial issues today while skipping over Clinton completely. "Everyone dewserves a home!!" No they don't, unless they work and save for it. Now we have the car loan issue, which will turn around and bite us in the a$$, maybe not as bad as the housing bubble, but it will be speed bump. And now Barry says "Everyone deserves a college education!!" I can't wait to see how that one plays out. And sorry but not everyone "deserves" a college education. That's not how it works.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Originally posted by paul from philly:
Sammy, NJ is right. How can you possibly talk about our financial issues today while skipping over Clinton completely. "Everyone dewserves a home!!" No they don't, unless they work and save for it. Now we have the car loan issue, which will turn around and bite us in the a$$, maybe not as bad as the housing bubble, but it will be speed bump. And now Barry says "Everyone deserves a college education!!" I can't wait to see how that one plays out. And sorry but not everyone "deserves" a college education. That's not how it works.
Good point Paul. Car loans are going to be an issue. Of course obama will be out of office by then. When auto production slows dramatically, the next recession will be upon us because another economically illiterate president (first clinton now obama) wants to put people in houses/cars that they should not own, in loans that are not stable.

Sammy has no understanding of the impact of a 1.77% yield on the 10-year treasury bill, which is where it is this afternoon.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Pssst hey guys the sky is falling pass it on to chicken little and Eeyore.
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Sammy, should we, the taxpaying public, pay for "2 year community college" proposal that Obama will present tonight? Proposed 90 billion dollar price tag. Or is it just a political exercise. It's a wonderful idea but the GOP will not pass it through. So now Obama has cast the GOP as the evil ones who withhold education from the public. Nicely done Barry. Way to divide the country even more. They're my thoughts. How about you Sammy?
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Come on now the Republicans are anti state education and you know it. Next question
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

WOW!! Now you're just speaking along party lines. All I want to know as a registered libertarian is where is the money coming from. I'm not against eduction and in the grand scheme of things I don't think the GOP as a group is against education but before everyone goes running around screaming for that government subsidies education, wouldn't it be prudent to figure out where the monies will come from As I mentioned earlier, the newly elected governor of our fair state said in his campaign he would tax the gas companies to pay for infrastructure improvements and build on education. Well the gas companies are shutting down due to overproduction. So how is he going to pay for his campaign promises? See what I mean? He gets everyone worked up for his plan, then when his plan has a misstep in it.....! So tell me Sam, as a member of the education community, how are we to pay for government sudsidies education? I've seen what state run education is like and the results aren't that great. And now the feds want in on it?? Sorry. I'll put it to you another way. If the state and local governments were to give all your tax money earmarked for education back to you and told you to go find schooling on your own, do you think anyone would pay to go to a public school anymore??
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

No I am speaking from experience in North Carolina where Republicans, God, Guns, Grits and Gravy rule the General Assembly who is controlled by the GOP for the past 4 years has

Cut funding to public education 500Million
Cut funding to state Universities
Cut pay for teachers with advanced degrees
Got rid of the Teaching Fellows(program set up to attract young teachers) in a state that has of right now according to our DPI over 500 teaching openings.
Opened more Charter schools taking more monies away from public schools
Is 48th in per pupil spending
Is 47th in teacher pay

Yea that is along party lines all right. Anyway where does the money come from for a feww 2 year collge education? Not sure never said it was a good idea hell I am for everyone spending 2 years in the military and richy rich dad can not pay your way out and pay for school that way. but that would increase the Government payroll and the GOP is against that right. So i am not sure if that is a great idea paying for a fee education for everyone but make no mistake the GOP is Anti state run educational institutions. And if the State did give money to send kids to whatever schools they would like I am sure the Strath Havens, Ridleys, North Alleghenys, State Colleges, Cumberland Valleys, Mt Lebonans, Upper St Clairs , Erie McDowells, Parklands, CB Souths would be OK
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

It's the pensions! It's STILL the pensions.....
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

I will give up,my pension today if you paid me what a person with 4+ years of college education makes on average no problem , but since No teacher in NC gets paid more than 55k my base is 43 with 17plus yearsYou might find it hard to get everyone on board on that. Oh I also cut grass, drive activity bus, wash uniforms, line fields, while teaching math. I like many teachers/coaches put in over 50 hours a week off season so yea I am keeping my pension from these cheap republican bastards until they take it so yea go pack sand douche bag. Typical republican response to a public /state employee thanks for proving my point now run along Mike Hackabee is on TV somewhere oh and if you give me the 180 day crap it will truly show me that you have zero idea what you are talking about and I know you want to jump on that

This post was edited on 1/20 8:52 PM by sammyk
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Oh and since i am up early and no one is here I have a few figures for you guys

Average Income of a college graduate $69,873

Average Income of the graduating class of 2014 $48,707

Average salary of a teacher in NC $45,947

Increase my hours or days heck I am at the school all summer long anyway and pay me $69,000+ a year and you can keep the pension heck that would be a $26,000 pay increase for me
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

I have no problem with that Sammy. If you hate the situation so much and see no light at the end of the tunnel, MOVE! Or run for political office. The base salary for a teacher here in Pennsy is 45K. That's base!
You live in NC where cost of living is less.....

Government workers/teachers/ et al new hires should immediately be removed from a guaranteed pension program. Convert it to a 401K with 6% matching. It seems to me that you want to make 50 k (with full benefits) while you work AND when you retire.

Do the math.....divide the guaranteed pension obligations by the teachers both retired and still working and you will see that 70k per year would be easy for the taxpayers under a 401k program. BTW, start paying for some of your own benefits and raise some of the co-pays.

You remind me of this schmoe I lived next to who sent 3 kids to public schools for 12 years, and now is pissed that his school taxes are a burden in retirement. Compared to my family who never sent a child to the public schools.

Cry, but it is STILL the pensions draining communities
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

Sounds like you are skewing the numbers. I'm not a math teacher like you, but I do know numbers.

Legitimate question is: What does the average NC graduate make ? NOT 70k

I'm quite sure you are full of crap about the average salary of a 2014 NC college graduate (OR anywhere else under this economy) My guess would be about 30k to start if lucky
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

So, it is math that you teach. I had eliminated English/Grammar already! And political science/current events was already eliminated! Just kidding Sammy. We will never agree on politics, as I know you pull the democrat lever 100% of the time! Sources have told me so!
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

FB now I remember you from last summer where were you when I was in Philly? Anyway you can go to www.naceweb/startingsalaries and look it up, the average starting salary for a 2014 grad is pretty much what I posted. Now like I said I have no problem getting rid of my pension just pay me what an average college graduate gets paid and that would be about 26K more, make school year round like I said I am here all year anyway and up my pay, and you can keep my pension. And NJ nice back handed dig, but what sources do you have that are in the voting booth with me down here in NC, you must have some major insight. Impressive
Re: Sammy, no reply to this?

FB here are what the average college graduate makes in NC according to City

Raliegh $61,659
Charlotte $61,318
Durham $59,657
Winston Salem $53,388
Greensboro $53,164

Average teaching salary in NC is 45,000 and more than 60% of our teachers have 15 + years so many of them are at the top of the pay scale