Where are all the........


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Oct 13, 2001
opinionated souls that usually populate this board in droves, especially now in the midst of truly historic primaries from both camps. Can only assume a majority are from the "establishment", thoroughly disgusted with Sanders and Trump. That's fine, it's a free country where we the people still have a say in things but I really thought this campaign would have the board jumping.

Must admit the "establishment" has demonstrating why Trump and Sanders have such widespread appeal. What a transparent collection of frauds they are, coming out against the process they so often hold to be dear and sacred.

If nothing else, thank God the process is exposing them.
I've said it in earlier posts. Both conventions are going to be tough. The Democrats know Bernie can't win a national election but they think Hillary has too many cracks to withstand a frontal assault from the likes of Trump or whomever. Enter Joe Biden. On the republican side, neither Trump or Cruz has the appeal everyone needs. Enter Kasich or Ryan. Although Ryan has said he wants nothing to do with it. Should be fun!!