Ted Cruz

So far, Cruz and The Donald!!!! This is what is wrong with the GOP. And Boenher is going over to Isreal for personal meetings with Bebe. WTF!!!!!
TO me Paul and Bush III are the best candidates of the potential pool
There is NOTHING wrong with Ted Cruz! I love how 2 Democrats are picking the Republican candidate.....I would suggest you have enough problems on your side, no?

Actually take the time to listen to his complete speech today and then comment. Keep in mind 40 minutes with NO teleprompter. It's easy when you speak with conviction and actually believe what you say. Alan Dershowitz, the renowned lawyer of OJ Simpson fame, calls Ted Cruz the smartest student he's ever had at Harvard Law School.

You criticize Cruz, who mentioned Jesus, but Hillary, Warren and O'Malley are your "guys"???? Maybe you are both retarded?
Oh wait, maybe you are just libs....
FB, I really don't know who you are talking to. I have been on this blog for a long time. Have stated many times I'm conservative and registered libertarian. But if that is your response, "Maybe you're both retarded?", when I bring up the short comings of Cruz, maybe I ought to rethink the meaning of conservative.
Come on man you can not be that blind the guy is a nut a religious nut. You have to admit that he is a terrible candidate he is nothing more than theatre and had a very punch able face. People like him are the reason that I do not trust anyone who says have a blessed day and he was not born here
Funny, but how did you compare Obama's idiotic treasonous speech to the Iranian people the other day to Cruz'? Now specifically what in Cruz' speech was upsetting to you as a "conservative"? Or an American for that matter?

I've already said that I like Scott Walker's policies, but it is early in the process. So Paul, if given the choice of any of the 3 Dem prospects OR Ted Cruz in the 2016 election, who would be your man? Or woman? Mine would be Cruz because I'm WAY more afraid of those 3 nuts, and enough damage has been done...

As a Republican or Libertarian, maybe you should focus on the 3 Communists of the Democratic party and stand by our candidates???
Sam, I'm not wasting a lot of keystrokes here, but if you like the last several years, then go for one of the 3 commies.

Cruz may not be most peoples choice, and may have little chance. That said, he is infinitely more loving of America than those 3 loons. After the Democrat apology tour, that is refreshing to hear!
WOW "IF" Cruz would win and I am sure it will be a comical primary but if we would reinstate the inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials followed by book burning he is a nut. And I wonder if the Republicans will be asking for his birth certificate? Ted Cruz likes Ted Cruz

This post was edited on 3/24 9:39 AM by sammyk
Ted Cruz is a one term senator with a big mouth. Go ahead and back him, if you like extreme right. I'll stick with Jebb whom I think is a much better candidate than his brother but because of the brother, he may not get his time in the sun.
I think that Jeb would have been a better President than GW. What i think that many do not understand is that most of the country is moderate or maybe slight right of the middle. When you get a guy like Cruz it gets the far right going and then those candidates burn out quickly. And Walker by the way you might want to check out what his policies are doing to Wisconsin, they are 46 in job creation and are starting to not be able to pay their bills
Hearing about his mother and father while interesting wasn't relevant to his presidential aspirations or convincing he is qualified to hold office. Who cares where THEY came from or what THEY did? This is similar history most of our ancestors faced coming to this country. His parents struggled, marital separation, alcohol, hard times, etc. And? Says he worked two jobs to pay his way through college. Me too, plus the GI Bill following military service. Him? Seems it's always those that didn't serve that wave the flag more vigorously than others, wrapping themselves in it for all to see, talking about protecting the constitution, freedoms and all things American. Words.

After listening to the 31 minute speech, all I heard was the standard oration we've all heard for years from all sectors, talking issues without presenting resolutions. He asked the crowd to "imagine" the following issues without stating HOW he will resolve them.

Secure the borders, tax code reform (flat), 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, honor the constitution, defeat radical Islam terrorism, repeal common core, imagine a booming economy, health care reform that's personal, portable and affordable, quoting Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, uphold the sacrament of marriage, defend the sanctity of human life, no nukes for Iran, stand without apology by Israel.

He mentioned the "Promise of America" (theme of his speech)….saying it seems more and more distant,"so many fear it is slipping away" (really?) and that this promise comes from God, not man. God made this promise?

That's where he lost me, knowing God's intentions. I heard a lot about his mother, his father who fought for freedom in Cuba against Batista which is to say with Castro….if you want to go there, his wife and kids, but precious little about himself. I don't like the Democrat candidates but wow….what a light weight disappointment this guy is for Republican side.
Absolutely his policies will help Wisconsin. Def will NOT help the unions. 46th in job creation with a balanced budget....sure....

Exactly how many states have balanced their books like Walker?