but don’t assume they will trump what’s best for national interests. Why do you?
Here's part of the reason why. I've seen Trump and his father settle cases of discrimination against black people applying to rent his apartments. I've seen Trump settle a case of fraud against people looking to him (as he sold it) to get their break in life. I've seen Trump take over his son's failed business in SC and try to use tax payer money to clean up Don Jr's polluted mess. I've seen Trump bankrupt AC.
As President I've seen Trump call those who didn't vote for him his enemy, losers, haters. That's 75% of America that didn't vote for Trump and didn't vote for Hillary either to be fair. When has Trump as President reached out to me, to people of my persuasion? Has he appointed a Democrat to any position? He called Clinton corrupt for giving a speech to Goldman Sachs, yet half his board is from the corporation.
I've never liked Trump. Not since I first heard about him in the 80's. He's an asshole who only looks out for himself. I've seen nothing from him to see that he's changed. He's appointed bigots, white supremacist, billionaires who have financial interest in policies they're making.
People fell for a guy making all of his products overseas to bring those jobs back without once saying he would bring his jobs back.