Parkland at Easton


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
Don’t look now, but the baby Rovers are hanging around with thr #2 team in the state. Actually, please don’t look, because it’s not going to last into the second half. But held a lead and we’re just a shaky call from first and goal.
Parkland going to win - but Easton had the ball at the Parkland 14 with nine minutes left, down 27-20. Got stopped on downs, but stopped Parkland forced a punt. Fumble in their own territory led to a Parkland score with six minutes left that’s going to ice it, but a very game effort from what is essentially a bunch of sophomores, some juniors, and a couple freshmen against a very good team.

Easton isn’t up to the standard, and their record is ugly and they’ve been super inconsistent. But tonight has been their best effort in a solid seven years. Hope?

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