Liberals strike again!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Why is it that every damn thing that mindless liberals touch goes south. From Greece to Detroit to Amtrak to obama with the inability to even launch a healthcare website to Baltimore, where the liberal mayor said they needed to let those who wanted to destroy to be able to destroy.

Any now comes word that the some of the left media is spinning the Greece crisis being caused by people not paying enough in taxes. No, it is 40-50 years of liberalism that set the stage for this crisis. It is time for new leadership in Greece, but like in the USA, there are too many single-issue voters and low-information voters who just don't know any better.
Can not believe Greece has put the rest of the world on hold by stamping its feet, holding its breath and pouting. What do they mean they will not listen to other options and refuse to pay back the loans? Pensions are killing them and they know it. But they still want their pensions. Coming to a city near you.
Best way to get rid of pensions pay employees more and give them a 401k but wait that would raise taxes too right
All for it. But no refund when the market goes down, as is the case today!! With a 401K, you're on your own!!
Well said njfan47. You mean there are consequences for your behavior? When did that shit start?
Also, did I forget to mention the damage the liberals have done to Argentina and Brazil, not to mention Cuba? Where are the board liberals? That one guy actually thinks that not responding is a positive. Their silence is deafening. If they had valid points to make about what is going on now (obama, Greece, US economy with real employment at 10%+ according to bernie sanders), we would be hearing all about it. Their ideas fail on a consistent basis.
"Where are the board liberals?"

Not reading your rambling posts on a football board for the most part. I love how you guys (crazies) thump your chest when no one replies to your posts. It's not a badge of honor. It's generally because most of your cut & pasted post make no sense.
"Where are the board liberals?"

Not reading your rambling posts on a football board for the most part. I love how you guys (crazies) thump your chest when no one replies to your posts. It's not a badge of honor. It's generally because most of your cut & pasted post make no sense.
It looks like we have a new liberal on the board. Or is it one of the old liberals under a different name? You never know with these phonies. The point, Mr. Reluctant, is that a post like this one should be met with an argument from the liberals. The fact that it isn't means that either they all died or they just can't come up with a counter argument. We are in a society where the Kardashians get a lot of attention and are more well-known that thousands of people who are way more important.

Liberalism is really pretty hard to defend. If I am wrong, try this one: how is it that the liberals complain about the disappearance of the so-called middle class when it is they who 1) vote for a president who allows massive amounts of people to cross the border illegally, thereby creating an oversupply in the workforce and keeping wages low; and 2) vote for a president who has no economic policy whatsoever, other than to keep interest rates artificially low (to keep the economy from negative growth that would surely result from his regulatory policies of businesses), when these interest rates are sure to push the stock market to new all-time highs, partly because no other investment alternatives are attractive.

And they voted for this president twice. Now, what will these liberals do with the stock market falling? You can be sure that obama hasn't a clue. He just wants to run out the clock, but Janet Yellen could do another round of quantitative easing. Sad that people like you are so misinformed, but not really surprising. And nothing is cut-and-paste, a**hole.
"And nothing is cut-and-paste, a**hole."

I believe you because almost all of it was inaccurate. I don't want to waste too much time on you, but President Obama deport more illegal immigrants than any other President. Also the stock market is more than double what it was the day he took office. Look it up don't just take a drug addicts word for it.

That was an in-depth explanation of Liberalism. This will be the last I address you. Sanders 2016!
Hello gingy, good to have you back. Well, not really. If all of my post was inaccurate, you did a really bad job of refuting it. The point isn't whether obama has deported more illegal immigrants; it is that he has let more of them in than anyone, and has made the southern border very porous. Your reply didn't address my point, but I am sure you won't be capable of realizing this.

As for the stock market, obama took over when the market was depressed after the Clinton Housing Bubble took the economy down. All obama did was keep interest rates artificially low and increase the deficit to levels that will have bad implications down the road, but mostly in terms of auto sales, rather than housing, down the road. Companies have done a great job of managing against obama's policies (obamacare, regulation, etc.) in order to get their stock prices to double over the past six and a half years. Leave it to a completely unworldly, uneducated liberal to try to make an argument that the stock market doubled during a president's term, as if that by itself makes his economic policies sound.

It should be pretty easy to realize that a president isn't judged during his exact time in office, but also during the years after he has left office. The policies that are put into place can be difficult to reverse, and can impact the country in bad ways (wait until obamacare's new rules are put into effect in 2016; I know people whose premium has more than doubled from last year to this year).

Your statement about this being the last time you will address me is classic liberal. They can't argue the issues and try to either shut people down or run and hide. And if you think Sanders is going to win in 2016, you are even dumber than advertised.

But it's ok, maybe you can come back with another screen name in six months.
Reluctant...........Sanders, really?? Well I guess you'll get your parents to drive you to the ballot box so you can vote for your hero. Then you have to get back in a hurry to the basement to finish your play station session. I hate to go in that direction and put you down but NJ is right. You banter about how Obama did this and that with no facts to back you up and then you shut the "Discussion" down by refusing to discuss. Elite liberals, ya gotta love em!!
"You banter about how Obama did this and that with no facts to back you up"

The Dow was at 7,949.09 the day Obama took office.

On the topic of deportation you were wrong to say Obama was letting more in and not kicking more out. That's hard to be wrong on both sides of the argument .... but you were!

"Obama’s numbers are significantly higher than Bush’s were, even as the estimated population of illegal immigrants was falling." - Politifact
"As for the stock market, Obama took over when the market was depressed after the Clinton Housing Bubble took the economy down."

Thank god, I thought you were going to say it was Carter's fault.
The stock market is being propped up by low interest rates and printed money. Smoke and mirrors. Or don't your parents have a TV in the basement so you can pay attention to the correction that is going on right now. And if you want to put strength behind those stock prices, I thought Obama couldn't do anything because of the hostile republican party. I thought they were stonewalling him. And if you don't believe Clinton had something to do with this, then I just feel sorry for your shortsightedness.
So you're an "Elitist"!! "I pay more in taxes....", ooooooooo is that supposed to mean anything?? And by the way, Bush was the worst President in this country's history next to Carter and Obama so no I didn't overlook Georgie Boy, you just didn't ask about him!! The conversation was about Barry and the economy. Live up to your screen name and be "reluctant to comment".
"So you're an "Elitist"!! "I pay more in taxes....", ooooooooo is that supposed to mean anything?? "

Didn't you just spend two replies telling me I lived in my parent's basement? Stay on topic kid.
Sorry, your endorsement of Sanders was a sign to me that you were too young to pay any taxes. Children, along with elitist liberals, all think that everything should be paid for. Now how about some facts Junior!! How is Sanders going to pay for all his free stuff?
Am I the only one on here that is poor????
Sammy, don't worry, reluctant's (gingy) comment has no basis in fact. Why would someone who has a good income be supportive of Sanders, who has promised to substantially raise taxes? He'll never get elected because he only has the cook fringe supporting him, although the cook fringe is a growing group. A potential increase, and I say very remote potential because Sanders will never be elected president, would be on top of the increase that little barry obama (LBO) already put in place. And to show you how shallow Sanders is, when asked what he would do with the extra dollars (assuming there would be any, since huge tax increases kill off the economy and don't have the effect of increase in tax inflows), he said he would rebuilt the nation's infrastructure, which is ok, but he said nothing about starting to pay down the $18-19 trillion federal debt.
"You banter about how Obama did this and that with no facts to back you up"

The Dow was at 7,949.09 the day Obama took office.

On the topic of deportation you were wrong to say Obama was letting more in and not kicking more out. That's hard to be wrong on both sides of the argument .... but you were!

"Obama’s numbers are significantly higher than Bush’s were, even as the estimated population of illegal immigrants was falling." - Politifact
Reluctant, you are a shallow thinker or just disingenuous. First of all, the Dow went down substantially after LBO (little barry obama) was elected due to all of the fear of his policies. Then it went up because it had been at a depressed level when he took over, due to an economy that had been wrecked by a horrible housing policy enacted a decade earlier, something that was hard to reverse, even though Bush tried to do so in 2005, only to be filibustered by congressional democrats, including a young upstart LBO, who would later rise to infamous President Incapable. I challenge you to name one major thing that Bush did that had a negative effect on the economy. What did he do to cause the recession? Let's link cause and effect here.

And interest rates have been kept artificially low due to QE1, QE2, QE3, etc. for LBO's entire time in office. This is in the absence of any real economic policy. And yet the economy still can't grow at a 3-4% rate, as it should easily be able to do with rates so low.

Regarding illegal immigrants, you obviously haven't been paying attention at what is going on at our southern border. The numbers are simply astounding. Maybe you don't realize that your party believes in open borders, or again you maybe aren't really that dumb, just that disingenuous.
"I challenge you to name one major thing that Bush did that had a negative effect on the economy."

1. Deregulated Wall St
2. The Bush tax cuts
3. Two Wars (off the books)
"I challenge you to name one major thing that Bush did that had a negative effect on the economy."

1. Deregulated Wall St
2. The Bush tax cuts
3. Two Wars (off the books)


1. How exactly did Bush deregulate Wall Street? What steps did he take to do this? I think you need to be more specific to actually make your point. Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall. Is that what you were thinking of? Freeing up the banks to double dip was also a factor in the great recession.
2. Tax cuts help an economy. They put more money into consumers' hands, most of which is spent. This is a simple concept.
3. War, while never desirable, spurs the economy as supplies and equipment are needed for the troops. Please explain how the off-budget status of the wars hurt the economy. The investment community naturally factored that debt into their decisions as they related to bond and stock investments, and the fact that the debt was a lot lower in 2002-2007 than it is now shows that the debt was not the factor in taking the economy down; the great recession late in Bush's term was due to the bursting of the housing bubble. Almost all economists will agree on this point. The housing bubble was created by Clinton and was kept in motion by congressional democrats with their filibuster in 2005.
Ouch!! I think he answered your question pretty well, don't you??!! Clinton said everyone deserves to own a house. No they don't. They have a right to own a house. First they have to raise money. Same thing with higher (college) education. Sanders and Hillary both say that everyone deserves an education. No they don't. Everyone has a right to an education. But not on someone else's dime.
Healthcare and Education in the rest of the civilized world comes out of tax dollars. Those countries are all ahead of us in each. We're an embarrassment. Don't construe that as raising taxes. All of this can be paid for out of what's already collected. Fat has to be trimmed to do it.
No question fat has to be trimmed but who in this field has the balls to cut anything? That goes for Repubs and Dems alike. And please don't say Bernie. He won't be a viable candidate in the general election. Socialism aint makin' it!!
We already have great socialistic programs. But anyway, none of them from either side because the 1% won't let them. I believe Sanders would at least try.
Well, I guess you are just so smart that nobody can figure you out. In the end who cares, but there is little doubt in my mind. Funny that you would come running and say that "gingy made a post." As if phonies like you can't post under several different handles. For crying out loud, the infamous blowout comb had at least four handles and actively posted under all of them at the same time. And you still haven't answered the August 30 post that completely refuted your three major things that you claimed Bush did that had a negative effect on the economy. Should we just chalk this up to the Liberal Whiff ® ???
First of all, bernie sanders isn't going to be president, but if you think so, you are even wackier than when you were gingy! And that is saying something. Remember your post about the french economist who wrote the supposedly best-selling book that was only so because liberal college professors made their students, including my daughter, buy it? And most of the book's pages showed no bending bookmarks after about page 11!! You are entertaining, but maybe not in the way you think And just like you might not want to compare your work to mine (still waiting for your reply on that issue), you might not want to talk "hair" to someone on an anonymous message board! Then again, intelligence was never your strength, no matter what screen name you used. But thanks again for the laughs. I do enjoy your "work".
I can't wait for Bernie to implement Single Payor. Oh your thinning hair will be on fire.
One additional comment, gingy: You fail to realize that the crazy liberal policies like obamacare and single payer usually have much more of an impact on the libs like you than on me. You guys are still the unhappy ones after nearly seven years of President Incapable, a.k.a. barack obama. My life is going just fine in spite of the jackass, but I hear liberals complaining all the time.