Kudos to the Donald

first step to becoming a dictator silence the press.

Hold on there Sammy. I don't know why he picked on CNN but I have no problem shutting down Buzzfeed or TMZ or any of the other "Fake News" outlets. They put out that Russia has blackmail material on The Donald. Well give us the proof. Don't just yell fire in a crowded theater. Fake news did in Hillary to a point. I think fake news had more of an affect on the election than the Russian hacking episode. At least the Russian hacking had evidence to back it up.
Do you mean like saying Ted Cruz's father was involved in President Kennedy shooting???
Nope it is the same exact thing. I find it hilarious when the Trump group calls this garbage when all Trump did was create fake news, remember I know more than the generals remark the guy can't take if anyone says something about him and his first response is to attack people what a chump of a future president

Nope it is the same exact thing. I find it hilarious when the Trump group calls this garbage when all Trump did was create fake news, the guy can't take if anyone says something about him and his first response is to attack people what a chump of a future president

Totally agree!!
Well like I said earlier I hope that this does not turn into a circus but we are not even at Jan 20th yet and it already is a sh!t show
Paul - Buzzfeed = Breitbart and Breitbart is the Top Advisor to the President Elect.

I agree with most of what you've said, but you can't be a birther for 5 years after the President shows his papers and then cry about fake news.
Paul - Buzzfeed = Breitbart and Breitbart is the Top Advisor to the President Elect.

I agree with most of what you've said, but you can't be a birther for 5 years after the President shows his papers and then cry about fake news.

The Donald is one of the biggest perpetrators! He put so much sh1t out there, he truly muddied the waters!!
It is great to see that Trump really has all of you ticked off. As far as the shit show that Samuel mentions, what does that mean? It shows that the left-leaning media is accomplishing their task of trying to discredit Trump. This scheme will work only with those who give credence to the left-media, and this is a small number. Did you see where Buzzfeed's assertion that Trump's attorney was also in Prague was proven to be totally false, that it was a different Michael Cohen? This shows that they didn't do their homework. Talk about fake news. The left invested so much in Lie-arry and all their work was for naught; they are incensed about that and can't handle that Incapabama's legacy is going to be wiped out. Pretty sad that Incapabama's farewell speech was not even a topic the next day because the left media was so hard at work on Trump. You guys are in for a long, hard, five stages. We are just getting started and denial and anger are ruling right now. Warning: the depression phase is not going to be fun for you all!