It is awesome when the libs are silent...


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
It's a great indication of where things are and how they are "feeling". But, I have to admit, it's even better once their comments start to roll in. They might just continue on the quiet side for a while longer, with President Incapable having fallen on his face so bad. At least Cameron resigned; Incapable will only react more strongly and be more and more like a petulant child when things go against him.

Speaking of that, maybe we should do a poll on who we'd rather see comment, the libs on this board or incapable. Hmmm, I'd say it's about a tie.

The Liberal Pissed-Off factor hit an all-time index high today, judging by comments from libs on TV and around the water cooler! As CNBC's Art Cashin said, "I thought we were going to have to take away his (Alan Greenspan's) belt and shoelaces!" Greenspan was on near suicide watch in an interview today on CNBC. His wife, Andrea Mitchell, is reportedly also on suicide watch. The establishment doesn't like their power to be messed with.