Don the Con


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
Mr. Trump claims his celebrity status allows him to grab girl's pussy. WOW. I know 20 yrs ago Bill Clinton did much worse ( not to mention all the people he killedor had killed). You Republicans own him and deserve him. You all wear him well.
Mr. Trump claims his celebrity status allows him to grab girl's pussy. WOW. I know 20 yrs ago Bill Clinton did much worse ( not to mention all the people he killed or had killed). You Republicans own him and deserve him. You all wear him well.
Mr. Trump claims his celebrity status allows him to grab girl's pussy. WOW. I know 20 yrs ago Bill Clinton did much worse ( not to mention all the people he killedor had killed). You Republicans own him and deserve him. You all wear him well.
Chuvy, what is worse, a presidential candidate who said some very bad things about women 11 years prior to running that were aired last week in a video, or an actual president who got a blow job in the White House from a 19-year-old woman (which nearly makes him a pedophile) and then lied about it, and then was ready, along with his wife, to turn up the heat on Lewinsky, only to find out that Lewinsky came forward with the Clinton-produced, semen-stained dress?

Even reluctant to think, but ever-ready to be "hit with a 20% pay cut from Bush" should be able to know the difference.

And we didn't even mention the actual president using the cigar in Lewinsky's vagina.

Can't wait to hear your well-thought-out answers to this one.
She was 22 years old when she consented to the affair you dope.
This is how one gets a 20% paycut from Bush....he thinks he has made a successful argument that there is a difference between 22 and 19. I can only imagine this guy trying to make it in the corporate world! Yes, I was off by three years and the near-pedophile line is somewhat more invalid, but it's dopes like you that walk away thinking they've won on this basis, ironically in the same week that a former president blows the dope's previous obamacare comments out of the water. Ignorance truly is bliss.