Could obama be any more clumsy?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
President Incapable indicated to his genius supporters in his state of the union address on Monday (by the way, it was the lowest rated state of the union address in 15 years) that we have "turned the page" on terrorism and, two days later, the pro-USA government in Yemen resigns after getting overrun by Shiite rebels. The guy has both incompetence and bad timing on his side. You gotta give it to him.

Also, he was just bragging a few months ago about how Yemen was under control. This statement came after the brilliant statement that the Islamic State was the JV team!

This is turning into a complete disaster. Iran continues on its nuclear ambitions and obama asks the Senate not to intervene, to just give the process more time. What a joke.

obama has to be counting down the time to his last day in office. The clock cannot possibly move fast enough for him. His only hope is that something big doesn't happen during his time in office. Lack of action and poor policy both have consequences.
If I had my way we should hurry him along to retirement by impeaching him. That would slow his act down. I can't imagine 2 more years of this imbecile!