1. The markets are due for a correction that could happen over the next 2-3 months, possibly starting very soon, so guard your portfolios closely, especially you Sammy. We don't want any more trigger issues that could send you over the top, assuming you're not there already.
2. If and when the correction does come, even if it's only 3-8%, dems will blame every point on Trump, not realizing that corrections are normal and healthy for markets, making fools of themselves. In the end, who can blame them, as their media is in full control of their actions!
There was going to be a third prediction on the level of the paycut that Trump will be giving Reluctant, but sufficient information is not yet available. Needless to say, it will be greater than the 20% paycut that Bush levied against this board veteran, mainly because Trump is meaner than Bush, we think!